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Filtered by: United States

Monnat quoted in BuzzFeed article on increase in US life expectancy

"While life expectancy has continued to improve in large highly educated urban hubs, life expectancy declines have been much more pronounced in former industrial cities, much of Appalachia, and in many small towns and cities across America’s heartland," says Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.

January 30, 2020

Lovely discusses US-China trade deal with Associated Press, NPR

"We're in a truce in the ongoing trade conflict between the U.S. and China," says Professor of Economics Mary Lovely.

January 23, 2020

Banks discusses Trump impeachment trial on KPCC

"One of the things to bear in mind about the procedure in the Senate is that there’s very little in the way of a legal road map. The Constitution says simply that the Senate should have the sole power to trial an impeachment," says William C. Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs.

January 23, 2020

Reeher weighs in on Sanders-Warren fight in the Hill

Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, says that Senator Warren and Senator Sanders "are struggling for the same general bloc of Democratic voters, and Biden is offering an alternative to both of them—so it’s not like someone might abandon Sanders because of this conflict and then go to Biden." 

January 17, 2020

Lovely speaks to Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post about US-China trade deal

The new system "is a gigantic finger in the eye of WTO," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. "The decider will be the trade representative in consultation with the president."

January 17, 2020

Keck explains role of chief justice in impeachment trial in Al Jazeera

"Impeachment of a U.S. president is an unusual circumstance," says Tom Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics. "(The chief justice) is there to oversee a trial, which is something that should be well within his comfort zone. But it's a trial conducted by elected partisan officials. It's not a court, the U.S. Senate." 

January 17, 2020

See related: Congress, SCOTUS, United States

Lovely discusses Phase 1 US-China trade deal with Agence France Presse, NPR, Reuters

Professor Mary Lovely talks to multiple outlets about the Trump Administrations trade war and economic actions towards China, especially it's impact on the U.S economy going forward and its implications on national security.
January 15, 2020

Dutkowsky, Tobias discuss 2020 election, economy in Seeking Alpha

"The most important threat, in my view, of another Trump presidency is the unpredictability and uncertainty," says Áron Tóbiás, assistant professor of economics. "You can never know what happens next: what appears on Twitter, or what kind of trade policy is made."

January 14, 2020

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