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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Mental Health

Hammond provides planning tips for grad students in Inside Higher Ed

Timur Hammond, assistant professor of geography and the environment, outlines some small changes graduate students can make in how they relate to their work that might create a little more space for joy, happiness and mental health. 
February 18, 2021

Robinson weighs in on Price Chopper, Tops merger in LocalSYR interview

"My biggest concern is food access in rural communities and urban communities alike," says Jonnell Robinson, associate professor of geography and the environment and director of the Community Geography program, adding, "and making sure that folks don't have to travel too far to get to a grocery store."

February 15, 2021

Radcliffe quoted in Deseret News article on COVID-19 double standards

For people struggling to stay motivated to continue social distancing and wearing masks, cases where public officials ignore the very rules they are imposing on others can be frustrating. In the field of behavioral ethics, this phenomenon is called "ethical fading," says Dana Radcliffe, adjunct professor of public administration and international affairs. The term describes the way people deceive themselves to hide the wrongness of their choices. But, officials should be held to a higher standard, he says, especially when public health is on the line. "People who have considerable power or ability to influence others have a greater obligation to make sure that their actions match their words—because their words and actions can affect the behavior and welfare of others," says Radcliffe. Read more in the Deseret News article, "7 times public officials had double standards on COVID-19." 
January 4, 2021

Heflin study on material hardship, perceived stress and health in early adulthood published in AE

Ying Huang, Colleen Heflin, Asiya Validova
The authors examined the associations between material hardship and health outcomes in early adulthood and how they are mediated by perceived stress.
September 16, 2020

Gadarian featured in Vox article on anxiety, coronavirus, and politics

"We’ve recommended that the medical experts be up front and center, and the political leaders take a step back and defer to the doctors and to the head of the health agencies, because that’s who anxious people want to hear from," says Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science.

April 28, 2020

Gadarian discusses Anxious Politics with the Niskanen Center

Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science, along with Bethany Albertson of the University of Texas, discussed their book "Anxious Politics: Democratic Citizenship in a Threatening World," and how it can help explain the current public health crisis. 

March 30, 2020

Jackson featured in Medium article on imposter syndrome

"By labeling every single moment of self-doubt expressed by women, primarily those of color, as impostor syndrome, we flatten the complexities and pervasiveness of White Supremacy and patriarchy," writes Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science.

September 9, 2019

Monnat quoted in PolitiFact article on Andrew Yang, life expectancy

According to Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, the recent decline in life expectancy "is due almost entirely" to increases in overdoses and suicides. "Although the declines are small, they are unprecedented, and they are signals that there is a serious well-being crisis in the U.S."

April 4, 2019

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