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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Law

Carrington ’18 MA (PSc) and Strother ’17 PhD (PSc) piece on Confederate statues in the WaPo

Political science doctoral student Nathan Carrington '18 (M.A.) and  alumnus Logan Strother '19 (Ph.D.) explore ongoing debate over Confederate statues in the Washington Post article "Legally, Confederate statues in public spaces aren’t a form of free speech."
June 1, 2020

Monde-Anumihe featured in Guardian Woman

Chinenye Monde-Anumihe ’13 BA (IR) was recently featured in Guardian Woman, in a Q&A highlighting her efforts to bring international relations and human rights work together with business and development.
April 21, 2020

Banks discusses FISA reforms with Sinclair Broadcast Group

Professor Emeritus William C. Banks says the changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act process in the bill would increase accountability for abuses of the system and require the FBI to disclose more information to the court.

March 16, 2020

Keck explains role of chief justice in impeachment trial in Al Jazeera

"Impeachment of a U.S. president is an unusual circumstance," says Tom Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics. "(The chief justice) is there to oversee a trial, which is something that should be well within his comfort zone. But it's a trial conducted by elected partisan officials. It's not a court, the U.S. Senate." 

January 17, 2020

See related: Congress, SCOTUS, United States

Keck weighs in on the future of American democracy in the NY Times

Tom Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics, says drastic measures might be needed such as term limits for new justices and keeping open the possibility of expanding the [Supreme] court’s size. "It may be our least-bad option in restoring the court’s role as a democratic guardrail."

November 22, 2019

See related: SCOTUS, United States

Elizabeth Cohen discusses her book Citizenship on New Books Network

"Citizenship" (Polity Books, 2019), co-authored by Elizabeth Cohen, professor of political science, takes the reader through the authors' approaches to the concept of citizenship and begins by highlighting how it is not always or often consistently applied and understood.

October 18, 2019

See related: Civil Rights, United States

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