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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Infrastructure

Gadarian Quoted in Newsweek Article on Feds Financing Bridge Repair

Professor Shana Kushner Gadarian says that the federal government must ensure that a community's residents understand that the infrastructure improvements came from Washington and not locally or from the state. 
January 19, 2022

Zwick explores the relationship between technology and cities

Austin Zwick
In his new book, “The Platform Economy and the Smart City: Technology and the Transformation of Urban Policy” (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021), Maxwell School faculty member Austin Zwick explores the intersection between urban planning and technological change.
November 29, 2021

See related: Infrastructure

Van Slyke Weighs in on Biden's Infrastructure Plan in Associated Press

Dean David M. Van Slyke shared his views on the infrastructure bill in the Associated Press article, "Biden’s $1T infrastructure bill historic, not transformative."
November 15, 2021

Van Slyke Talks to GovExec Daily about Public-Private Partnerships

As Congress continues to negotiate an infrastructure bill, the role of public-private partnerships are key in the bill’s provisions. With the success of Operation Warp Speed in the development of the COVID-19 vaccines, a new look at such partnerships is due. Dean David M. Van Slyke discusses paths to innovation and cooperation on the GovExec Daily podcast episode, "The Import and Impact of Public-Private Partnerships."
November 4, 2021

Wilson Op-Ed on Fossil Fuels, Skiing Published in Colorado Sun

In his co-authored op-ed, "Fossil fuels are threatening Colorado skiing," Associate Professor of Geography and the Environment Robert Wilson discusses what's needed in a truly robust climate-funding agenda, including electricity-grid improvements supporting wind and solar farms, green energy development that leverages fossil fuel industry workers’ technical skills and a Civilian Climate Corps.
October 5, 2021

Faricy weighs in on Democrat's proposed tax strategy in Wall Street Journal

A lot of Democratic voters have low trust in government,” says Christopher Faricy, associate professor of political science. "You have to tie it to something that is popular, that you can sell to people that will be an improvement in their day-to-day lives." Read more in the Wall Street Journal article, "Democrats Focus on Turning Tax Talk Into Action." 
July 8, 2021

Burman comments on rising national debt in Christian Science Monitor

 "Investing in better roads, bridges, dams, electrical infrastructure, all of that stuff, clearly, those investments pay returns over a long period of time," says Leonard Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics. "Investing in better education, if you can do it, pays returns over the course of decades."
April 8, 2021

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