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Filtered by: Grant Awards

Popp’s work on government research support funded by Sloan Foundation

David Popp, professor of public administration and international affairs, has been awarded a $349,380 grant by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. His research will examine how government funding influences the direction of clean energy research, focusing on whether increased government spending attracts more researchers to the field, or merely substitutes for other funding sources within the field.

April 23, 2020

See related: Grant Awards

Lutz receives NSF RAPID grant for COVID-19 research

Amy Lutz, associate professor of sociology, has received a $97,058 grant from the National Science Foundation's RAPID program for her research project “Working and Teaching from Home in New York State Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic.”
April 14, 2020

See related: COVID-19, Grant Awards

Hamersma’s research on SNAP access funded by WT Grant Foundation

Sarah Hamersma, an associate professor of public administration and international affairs, recently won a $140,058 award from the WT Grant Foundation to support her project “Keeping the ‘Great Equalizer’ Fed: SNAP Access and Young Adult’s Educational Engagement.” 

April 3, 2020

Shi’s education research funded by Russell Sage and Gates Foundations

Ying Shi, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs, recently won a $29,809 grant jointly funded by the Russell Sage and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations for her upcoming research related to educational inequality and opportunity. John Singleton, an assistant professor of economics at the University of Rochester, will also be an investigator on this project.
March 13, 2020

See related: Grant Awards

Engelhardt wins grant through the U.S. Social Security Administration

The $100,000 grant will support Gary V. Engelhardt, a professor of economics and faculty associate with the Aging Studies Institute, in his research into the role of housing equity as an asset for retirement planning among older Americans. Engelhardt’s project is expected to provide insights into how the Social Security Administration will be able to supplement its existing resources given expected long-term funding shortfalls.

March 6, 2020

See related: Grant Awards

Monnat awarded grant by Mother Cabrini Health Foundation

Shannon Monnat, the Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, has received a grant from the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation for her project, which is designed to improve education for health care providers concerning Plans of Safe Care (POSC) for mothers with addiction and for babies who suffered opioid exposure prior to their birth. 

March 5, 2020

See related: Grant Awards

Complementary projects on food insecurity funded by Russell Sage

The Russell Sage Foundation has announced funding for two complementary projects related to food insecurity among older adults, and conducted by Maxwell faculty members. One is a qualitative assessment funded at $48,191 and led by Madonna Harrington Meyer, University Professor of Sociology, while the other, funded for $34,997, involves quantitative analysis, conducted by Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs. These complementary projects, which are expected to result in a book-length manuscript, will assess the social, political, and economic dimensions of old-age food insecurity.
March 3, 2020

See related: Grant Awards

Russell Sage funds Michelmore’s study of single mothers' job quality

Katherine Michelmore won a $29,272 grant from the Russell Sage Foundation to study the effect of the earned income tax credit on job quality among single mothers. 
February 27, 2020

See related: Grant Awards

Heflin codirects project funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Colleen Heflin has been awarded a $74,986 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The grant will fund research into the effects of parental employment on child care and child-care subsidies.
February 3, 2020

See related: Grant Awards

Hromadžić wins Title VIII grant for research in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Azra Hromadžić, an associate professor of anthropology and O’Hanley Faculty Scholar, has been awarded $8,000 through a Title VIII Scholars appointment by the American Councils for International Education. The award will go towards Hromadžić's research into riverine citizenship, political imagination, and the struggle for water in postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina.

January 30, 2020

See related: Europe, Grant Awards

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