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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Gender and Sex

Jamie Winders comments on UNESCO report on artificial intelligence in NY Ag Connection

Winders, director of the Autonomous Systems Policy Institute, says, despite the report, we can expect more of the same unless the public demands changes.
June 4, 2019

Mary Daly’s Crooked Path

From family-life struggles in her teens that nearly doomed her career, to a pinnacle of American economic thinking, San Francisco Fed president Mary Daly discusses finding her “North Star” and the inequalities that afflict the American economy.
June 1, 2019

Gerard featured in WCNY series on Women, War, and Peace

Catherine Gerard, director of the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration, discusses the importance of peacebuilding, dialogue and local efforts in combatting violence against women across the globe. She appeared on a documentary featuring a local women's group, Women Transcending Boundaries, which is a group that fosters a community of women from many faith and cultural traditions seeking to nurture mutual respect and understanding.

March 28, 2019

Lovely weighs in on discrimination in the field of economics in Business Insider

"Many men believe they themselves are not part of the problem, yet they continue to organize sessions without any women authors or discussants," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. "And I still am present at meetings where women's views are heard and then trivialized." 

March 21, 2019

Estévez-Abe quoted in NY Times article on work-life balance in Japan

Margarita Estévez-Abe, associate professor of political science, was interviewed for the New York Times article "Japan’s Working Mothers: Record Responsibilities, Little Help From Dads." Men in Japan do fewer hours of housework and child care than in any of the world’s richest nations. Estévez-Abe says "If the work day could be shortened in Japan, I think a younger generation of men would do more as fathers." 02/04/19
February 4, 2019

See related: East Asia, Gender and Sex

Grandmothers at Work: Juggling Families and Jobs

Madonna Harrington Meyer
December 31, 2014

See related: Gender and Sex

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