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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Climate Change

Bendix discusses the factors behind the CA wildfires in USA Today

"Over the past two months, the areas now burning have had far less precipitation than normal for this time of year, while experiencing above-average temperatures," says Jacob Bendix, associate professor of geography. "Thus, conditions were primed for fire."
November 14, 2018

Popp study on tech R&D portfolios under uncertainty published in JAERE

Mort Webster, Karen Fisher-Vanden, David Popp & Nidhi Santen
October 2, 2017

See related: Climate Change

Sadanandan weighs in on farmer suicides in India on Climate Central

Anoop Sadanandan, assistant professor of political science, was interviewed for the Climate Central article, "New Findings Show How Climate Change Is Influencing India’s Farmer Suicides." Sadanandan says the study shows a new pathway for research into the nuances of suicide not just among farmers but the population as a whole in India. 08/11/17
August 11, 2017

Wilson weighs in on US withdrawal from Paris Agreement

Robert Wilson, associate professor of geography, was quoted in the WAER article, "CNY Supporters of the Paris Accord Concerned About Long-Term Consequences." "One of the things we haven't said enough is how climate change and sea level rise is a threat to people's homes, livelihoods and retirements," says Wilson. 06/05/17
June 5, 2017

See related: Climate Change

Wilcoxen paper on carbon taxes and fiscal reform in the US published in National Tax Journal

Dale W. Jorgenson, Richard J. Goettle, Mun S. Ho & Peter J. Wilcoxen
February 28, 2015

See related: Climate Change

Schewe study on reducing nitrogen fertilizer application published in Land Use Policy

D. Stuart, Rebecca L.Schewe & M. McDermott
December 31, 2013

See related: Agriculture, Climate Change

Wilcoxen analysis of the Copenhagen Accord published in Climate Change Economics

Warwick J. McKibbin, Adele C. Morris & Peter J. Wilcoxen
April 30, 2011

See related: Climate Change

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