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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Climate Change

Popp comments on green stimulus, economic crisis in MIT Technology Review

"What’s really important right now is getting money out quickly, and Congress can’t even do that," says David Popp, professor of public administration and international affairs. "I worry about tacking on green stimulus, or anything else that slows down the process. We can worry about financing the green transition six months from now."

July 28, 2020

Pralle discusses the climate crisis on WAER

"We need to stop burning fossil fuels and we know when we need to do it," says Sarah Pralle, associate professor of political science.

July 22, 2020

Bridging Strengths

With cluster and other prioritized hires, Maxwell is helping the University build research strength on topics that cross disciplines.
June 1, 2020

Popp article on climate policy published in Newsweek

David Popp's article on the Carbon Tax and climate policy was published in Newsweek. "Climate policy requires a two-pronged approach to foster the development of the next generation of clean energy technology," writes Popp.
September 18, 2019

New Maxwell Perspective features climate change research

The recently published edition of Maxwell Perspective — the School’s twice-annual magazine for alumni, students, faculty, staff, and other friends — is now available online. All full-length articles are available as individual webpages in the Maxwell Perspective section of this website.
August 6, 2019

See related: Climate Change

Public Affairs and the Multifront Attack on Climate Change

In its breadth and interdisciplinary richness, the Maxwell School proves to be a fertile setting for research on one of today’s most complex and pressing issues. Researchers are working all the angles — policy, economics, societal adaptation, governance, citizenship, and more — in their contributions to saving this planet.
June 25, 2019

Professorship to focus on environmental sustainability and finance

A gift from Kenneth and Tracey Pontarelli will fund a Maxwell professorship on research and teaching in the area of environmental sustainability and finance.
June 3, 2019

Huber quoted in Motherboard article on tech advances, climate change

"I think we actually do need a fair amount of innovation," says Matthew Huber, associate professor of geography. "But I think in our current society, innovation is narrowly guided by what is profitable. That’s the problem," says Huber, "We only ask what innovations are going to make private investors money." Huber was interviewed for the Motherboard article "Lab-Grown Meat Can't Fix the Planet That Capitalism Broke." 03/01/19
March 1, 2019

See related: Climate Change

Huber speaks to Motherboard about the Yellow Vest protests in France

"The people who are resistant to climate policies on the right constantly argue that the reasons we can’t do climate policies is it’s gonna cost the economy, and it’s gonna cost families, and it’s gonna cost everyday people," says Matt Huber, associate professor of geography. "So when we propose these policies that have the words ‘taxes’ in them and ‘fees,’ and talk about internalizing costs into the market, we just fall into that right wing trap that argues that that’s exactly what we’re trying to do." Read more in the Motherboard article "The Paris ‘Yellow Vest’ Protests Show the Flaws of Capitalism." 12/17/18
December 17, 2018

See related: Climate Change

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