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In the News: Colleen Heflin

Win-Win-Win Situation

Maxwell School’s X Lab is helping the City of Syracuse collect overdue property taxes by redesigning their letters with a graphic, attention-grabbing message that has resulted in nearly $100,000 of unlikely payments. The X Lab, created a year and a half ago, has the potential for other scholars, offering students real-world sandboxing opportunities and working with public and nonprofit clients at a lower cost than private consultants.

October 2, 2020

X Lab article on improving SNAP recertification published in JBPA

Leonard M. Lopoo, Colleen Heflin & Joseph Boskovski
September 24, 2020

See related: State & Local

Heflin, Lopoo, Boskovski study on behavioral interventions & SNAP recertification published in JBPA

Leonard Lopoo, Colleen Heflin & Joseph Boskovski
September 22, 2020

Child Injuries and the Timing of SNAP Benefits Receipt

Colleen Heflin, Irma Arteaga, Jean Felix Ndashimye, Matthew P. Rabbitt

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is an important federal resource that provides nutritional assistance to low-income families. Timing of SNAP benefits can reduce childhood injuries.

September 22, 2020

Heflin, Lopoo study on child support income exclusion for SNAP published in Social Science Quarterly

Colleen Heflin, Leonard Lopoo & Mattie Mackenzie-Liu
September 17, 2020

See related: Food Security

Heflin study on material hardship, perceived stress and health in early adulthood published in AE

Ying Huang, Colleen Heflin, Asiya Validova
The authors examined the associations between material hardship and health outcomes in early adulthood and how they are mediated by perceived stress.
September 16, 2020

Despair and Addiction

"Disability, obesity, and poor mental health all affect our long-term economic sustainability and social well-being. The underlying causes of many of these issues are deeply connected," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion. "Social scientists are in a prime position to identify underlying social, economic, and policy-related mechanisms, and strategies to mitigate them."

August 18, 2020

Housing Insecurity During the Coronavirus Response

Lauryn Quick , Colleen Heflin

COVID-19 has created numerous challenges for Americans in their ability to meet their basic needs. One specific economic challenge is the ability to pay mortgage or rent.

August 3, 2020

Food Insufficiency During the Coronavirus Response

Lauryn Quick , Colleen Heflin

The coronavirus pandemic has created widespread economic disruption, exacerbating American household food insufficiency.

July 29, 2020

Heflin study on childhood injuries, SNAP benefits published

Colleen M. Heflin, Irma Arteaga, Jean Felix Ndashimye & Matthew P. Rabbitt
July 8, 2020

See related: State & Local

Dean’s Office, CPR fund summer project assistantships

Eleven faculty members will receive awards from the Maxwell School to support emerging research projects this summer.
June 24, 2020

Heflin paper on material hardship among immigrants in the US published in PR&PR

Claire Altman, Colleen Heflin, Chaegyung Jun & James Bachmeier
May 2, 2020

Heflin receives two grants from UKCPR

Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs, was awarded funding for two projects by the University of Kentucky’s Center for Poverty Research. Heflin’s project seeks to understand the temporal dimensions of eligibility for the U.S. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), in light of increased participation in SNAP by older adults.
May 1, 2020

See related: Grant Awards

Heflin speaks about SNAP benefits, federal stimulus bill on NCPR

"The population that has the lowest income and has the least other sources of support have not been given any increase in the ability to provide food for their family," says Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs.

April 22, 2020

Heflin study on disability, immigration, and food insecurity published

Claire E. Altman, Colleen M. Heflin & Hannah Akanksha Patnaik
April 9, 2020

See related: Food Security

Complementary projects on food insecurity funded by Russell Sage

The Russell Sage Foundation has announced funding for two complementary projects related to food insecurity among older adults, and conducted by Maxwell faculty members. One is a qualitative assessment funded at $48,191 and led by Madonna Harrington Meyer, University Professor of Sociology, while the other, funded for $34,997, involves quantitative analysis, conducted by Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs. These complementary projects, which are expected to result in a book-length manuscript, will assess the social, political, and economic dimensions of old-age food insecurity.
March 3, 2020

See related: Grant Awards

Heflin codirects project funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Colleen Heflin has been awarded a $74,986 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The grant will fund research into the effects of parental employment on child care and child-care subsidies.
February 3, 2020

See related: Grant Awards

Heflin paper on administrative churn in SNAP published in Medical Care

Colleen Heflin, Leslie Hodges & Chinedum Ojinnaka
December 31, 2019

Heflin weighs in on cuts to food stamp program in CBS News article

"Given that we are having a real sort of rescaling of mortality in this country as a whole, to think about cutting anything that supports health and an associated reduction of mortality is a real mistake," says Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs.

December 13, 2019
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