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In the News: Colleen Heflin

Tracking COVID’s Toll

Pandemic research by Maxwell faculty and students is shaping policy and perception on everything from aging to opioid addiction.

December 21, 2021

Consistent SNAP Participation Increases Preventative Health Care Visits for Infants

Colleen Heflin, Irma Arteaga, Julia Stafford

This brief summarizes findings from research examining the connection between SNAP participation and preventative care in an infant’s first year of life in Missouri.

November 30, 2021

Heflin Quoted in Associated Press Article on Food Insecurity Among Military Families

Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs, is quoted in the Associated Press article, "Thousands of military families struggle with food insecurity."
November 15, 2021

The U.S. Must Invest More in the Child Care Subsidy Program

Taryn Morrissey, Colleen Heflin, William Clay Fannin

This data slice analyzes 2019 administrative data from Virginia to examine gaps in child care subsidy receipts.

October 12, 2021

Strengthening SNAP and TANF is Essential to Support Children in Early Childhood

Colleen Heflin, Michah W. Rothbart, Mattie Mackenzie-Liu

This brief summarizes findings from a study examining participation in SNAP and TANF in early childhood in Virginia.

September 14, 2021

Heflin paper on childhood injuries and food stamp benefits published in BMC Pediatrichealt

Colleen M. Heflin, Irma Arteaga, Jean Felix Ndashimye & Matthew P. Rabbitt
August 5, 2021

Heflin, Rothbart, Mackenzie-Liu paper published in Population Research and Policy Review

Colleen Heflin, Michah W. Rothbart & Mattie Mackenzie-Liu
August 4, 2021

Heflin paper on hypertension, diabetes and medication adherence among older SNAP published in JAG

Colleen Heflin, Leslie Hodges, Chinedum O. Ojinnaka & Irma Arteaga
August 4, 2021

Maxwell scholars publish book on public policy and the life course

Janet M. Wilmoth and Andrew S. London
June 21, 2021

See related: Health Policy

Heflin, Rothbart study on early childhood participation in SNAP and TANF published in PR&PR

Colleen Heflin, Michah W. Rothbart & Mattie Mackenzie-Liu
May 31, 2021

Heflin featured in The Well article on material hardship, COVID-19

A recent Urban Institute survey found that compared with adults whose family employment was unaffected by the pandemic, families who lost jobs during the pandemic were twice as likely to report food insecurity, and nearly three times as likely to report problems paying utility bills, and nearly four times as likely to report problems paying rent or mortgage.
April 28, 2021

Unmet Needs Associated with Increased Stress and Poor Physical and Mental Health in Early Adulthood

Colleen Heflin, Katie Green, Ying Huang, Asiya Validova

This research brief examines how different types of material hardship (difficulty paying for food, bills, and health care) are associated with self-rated health, depression, sleep problems, and suicidal thoughts among U.S. young adults (ages 24-32).

February 18, 2021

Heflin article on food & nutrition policy featured in Life Course Implications of US Public Policies

Colleen Heflin

The author first provides an overview of the prevalence of food insecurity by age. Then, the author provides a brief summary of the food programs that are currently available in the United States and discusses how the life-course perspective can inform future policy and research.

December 31, 2020

See related: Food Security

Heflin paper on child well-being and Rental Assistance Demonstration published in Cityscape

Colleen Heflin, Ariel Charney & Yumiko Aratani
December 31, 2020

Heflin discusses impact of COVID-19 on food security in Daily Gazette

In a choice between basic necessities, often, food is the first expense to be slashed, a decision that can result in adverse health effects for high-risk people. "This could put a further strain on the non-COVID health care system," says Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs.

December 14, 2020

Heflin, Lopoo study on collaboration across social programs published

Colleen M. Heflin, Leonard M. Lopoo & Mattie Mackenzie-Liu
November 11, 2020

New threats, familiar challenges: Maxwell responds to COVID-19

“The COVID pandemic is a great example of a current event that is changing every aspect of society—from how families are organized to how we deliver education and the structure of work,” says Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs Colleen Heflin.

October 30, 2020

See related: COVID-19, U.S. Education

Heflin article on food insecurity and educational attainment published in Social Problems

Colleen Heflin, Rajeev Darolia & Sharon Kukla-Acevedo
October 22, 2020

See related: Food Security

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