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In the Indian Health Service, Jennifer Cooper helps assure that programs benefit from local control.
June 21, 2019

Deep-Seated Sense of Justice

Business success enables Marvin Lender to support the causes that matter to him most. And few matter more than social justice — the focus of a new Syracuse University center bearing the Lender name.

June 20, 2019

See related: Giving, Social Justice

First Class

Maxwell always served undergraduate social science students. But, for this fall’s incoming class, admission to Maxwell is direct and the “Maxwell freshman” is official.

June 1, 2019

Alumni Spotlight: Looking for Maria Duval

Melanie Hicken and her CNN reporting partner detail a massive, decades-long scam that cost many their life savings. It’s all described in the reporters’ new book.

June 1, 2019

Climate Change in the Classroom

New courses and a new major meet University-wide student interest in the challenges of energy, environment, and sustainability.

June 1, 2019

Mary Daly’s Crooked Path

From family-life struggles in her teens that nearly doomed her career, to a pinnacle of American economic thinking, San Francisco Fed president Mary Daly discusses finding her “North Star” and the inequalities that afflict the American economy.
June 1, 2019

Free Speech Worldwide

An ambitious project assessing courts across the globe and their approaches to protected speech also provides opportunities for student research.

April 23, 2019

Who Makes the Rules?

That will be just one question considered when a new Syracuse University institute, housed at Maxwell, addresses the policy issues and social impacts associated with drones, self-driving cars, and other autonomous systems.

February 1, 2019

Voices at the Table

The inaugural Policy Camp introduced undergraduate students of color to career options in policy — and to the impact bolstered racial and cultural diversity can have across the public sector.

January 1, 2019

One Big Weekend in the Adirondacks: The Future of Public Administration

This summer, Maxwell convened Minnowbrook at 50, an anniversary conference on the same hallowed ground. For most who attended, the times seemed no less volatile, and deciding how public administrators and scholars meet an era’s challenges proved anything but simple.

September 1, 2018

Where You Live

“Our life expectancy is increasingly being shaped by where we live in the U.S.,” says Jennifer Karas Montez, Gerald B. Cramer Faculty Scholar of Aging Studies at Maxwell. It’s tempting to blame lifestyle-related behaviors, but “lifestyle behaviors are not root causes. They are symptoms of the environment and the social and economic deprivation that many parts of the country endure, thanks to decades of policy decisions.”

August 8, 2018

Deeper Connections

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) program's reputation and Washington location provide Maxwell students and faculty regular access to a range of leaders and practitioners—to an extent not feasible in Syracuse,” says University Professor and Phanstiel Chair Sean O’Keefe ’78 M.P.A., who is charged with developing opportunities to further nurture Maxwell/CSIS collaboration.

August 8, 2018

See related: Centennial, School History

Travel Plans

Thanks to the generosity of one “citizen of the world,” dozens of budding scholars have chased far-flung intellectual goals.

August 8, 2018

A Different Path to Journalism

Unlike most journalists who graduate from Syracuse University Megyn Kelly did not major in public communications.
But, like the many communications majors who also study at Maxwell, Kelly gained what any future journalist discovers in a public affairs education: political know-how, the tools of critical thinking, and appreciation of the press's role in an open democracy.

June 21, 2018

Local Influence

The new mayor, Ben Walsh '05 M.P.A., highlights the number of alumni in Syracuse city and Onondaga County government.

June 1, 2018

See related: Government, State & Local

The Investor

Gerry Cramer was the perfect friend of the Maxwell School - generous, visionary, and ultimately trusting. Cramer passed away on February 13, 2018.

June 1, 2018

See related: Centennial, Giving, In Memoriam

Journalism and Ideals of Democracy

These are interesting times for journalists in America. We reached out to nine of them, all with degrees from Maxwell. With their public affairs education, they understand as well as any journalists what the vigor of the press means to us all.
May 21, 2018

It All Started Here: The Very First Model League of Nations Assembly (Model UN) Was Held at Maxwell

Almost a century ago, a Maxwell faculty member turned a top-of-the-head idea into a student exercise in diplomacy—and basically invented Model UN.

May 15, 2018

The Tanner Lectures and Citizenship

Even as Maxwell prepares to launch its undergraduate major in citizenship and civic engagement, another new program invites diverse perspectives on citizenship and civic responsibility into the life of the School.
February 14, 2018

Citizenship and Civic Engagement and the Policy Studies Major

At first glance, the new major in citizenship and civic engagement would seem to share a lot with another Maxwell major, policy studies. Both are interdisciplinary, nurture informed citizens, and emphasize action. But the similarities end there.

February 14, 2018

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Maxwell Perspective
200 Eggers Hall