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Sociology News & Events

COVID Research Project Garners up to $2.2 Million From the National Institutes of Health

Associate Professor Emily Wiemers is the principal investigator of the team that includes her Maxwell School colleague, Marc A. Garcia. 

December 12, 2022

Greene Talks to PBS NewsHour About Reentry Programs for Transgender Women

"No trans women that I formally interviewed or met in the course of my field research wanted to or felt safe in men's housing programs," says Joss Greene, assistant professor of sociology. 

December 5, 2022

Prescription Opioid Resiliency and Vulnerability: A Mixed-Methods Comparative Case Study

Shannon Monnat, Andy Hochstetler, David J. Peters

"Prescription Opioid Resiliency and Vulnerability: A Mixed-Methods Comparative Case Study," co-authored by Professor of Sociology Shannon Monnat, was published in American Journal of Criminal Justice.

November 28, 2022

See related: Addiction, Health Policy

Yingyi Ma Quoted in South China Morning Post Article on China Sending Students to US Universities

Chinese students do not necessarily come to the U.S. because they love America or are interested in it, Ma tells South China Morning Post. "They want to get American degrees," she says, and use them to get better jobs back home.

November 23, 2022

See related: China, Education, United States

Landes Piece on COVID’s Impact on Immunocompromised People Published by Hastings Center

"Moving On from Covid? Immunocompromised People Can’t," written by Associate Professor of Sociology Scott Landes, was published by the Hastings Center.

November 22, 2022

Monnat and Montez Talk to US News About Their Research on Link Between Policy and Mortality Rates

“State policies, which have been relatively ignored in research on explanations for U.S. mortality trends, turn out to be really important for understanding geographic disparities in mortality,” Shannon Monnat, professor of sociology, tells U.S. News & World Report.

November 2, 2022

Research on Racial Disparities in Education by Professors Drake, Shi and Zhu Cited in NY Times

The work of Sean Drake, assistant professor of sociology, Ying Shi, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs, and Maria Zhu, assistant professor of economics, was referenced in the article, "Asian American Students Face Bias, but It’s Not What You Might Think."

November 1, 2022

Montez Discusses New Research on Link Between Policy and Mortality Rates With NBC News, USA Today

If states had adopted liberal policies across the board, University Professor Jennifer Karas Montez and her co-authors calculated that 171,030 lives would have been saved in 2019 alone; on the flip side, conservative policies in all states would have led to an additional 217,635 working-age deaths.

October 28, 2022

U.S. state policy contexts and mortality of working-age adults

Jennifer Karas Montez, Nader Mehri, Shannon M. Monnat, Jason Beckfield, Derek Chapman, Jacob M. Grumbach, Mark D. Hayward, Steven H. Woolf, Anna Zajacova

"U.S. state policy contexts and mortality of working-age adults," co-authored by sociologists Jennifer Karas Montez and Shannon Monnat, was published by PLoS ONE.

October 27, 2022

See related: Health Policy, Longevity

Monnat Comments on Increase in US Suicide Rates in Grid Article

“There might be a small drop in one or two years, but the long-term trend has been an increase,” says Shannon Monnat, professor of sociology. She was interviewed for the Grid article, "U.S. suicide rates rose again in 2021, ending a brief decline during the covid pandemic."

October 14, 2022

Monnat Research on Mortality Trends Featured in New York Times Article

Professor of Sociology Shannon Monnat was also interviewed for the story, "‘There Are Two Americas Now: One With a B.A. and One Without’." 

October 6, 2022

Landes Discusses His Research on COVID Deaths, People with IDD in Disability Scoop Article

Scott Landes, associate professor of sociology, was interviewed for the Disability Scoop article, "COVID-19 Was Leading Killer Of People With Developmental Disabilities."

September 29, 2022

Kriesberg, Dayton Explain How Political and Social Conflicts Can Be Waged Constructively in New Book

Louis Kriesberg, Bruce W. Dayton

In their book, Louis Kriesberg, Maxwell Professor Emeritus of Social Conflict Studies, and political science alumnus Bruce W. Dayton ’99 Ph.D., senior research associate in the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration, explain how large-scale political and social conflicts can be waged more constructively, with more positive consequences and fewer destructive consequences for those involved.

September 29, 2022

New Research by Landes Finds COVID-19 Was Leading Cause of Death Among People with IDD in 2020

Scott Landes, Julia Finan, Margaret Turk

The COVID-19 mortality burden was greater for people with than without IDD during the first year of the pandemic.

September 20, 2022

See related: COVID-19, Longevity

Research by Landes on COVID Deaths, People with IDD Featured in Article

"COVID-19 Mortality Burden and Comorbidity Patterns Among Decedents with and without Intellectual and Developmental Disability in the US," co-authored by Associate Professor of Sociology Scott Landes, was featured in the article, "COVID-19 Mortality Burden and Comorbidity Patterns Among Decedents with and without Intellectual and Developmental Disability in the US."

September 20, 2022

Three Maxwell Professors Named O’Hanley Faculty Scholars

The Maxwell School is pleased to announce three new O’Hanley Faculty Scholars: Margarita Estévez-Abe, Scott Landes and Emily Wiemers.

September 16, 2022

U.S. State Preemption Laws and Working-Age Mortality

Douglas Wolf, Jennifer Karas Montez, Shannon Monnat

"U.S. State Preemption Laws and Working-Age Mortality," co-authored by Maxwell professors Douglas Wolf, Jennifer Karas Montez and Shannon Monnat, was published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

September 1, 2022

See related: Health Policy, Longevity

Maxwell Faculty Research on Paid Sick Leave, Mortality Rate Cited by CBS News, CTV News

"U.S. State Preemption Laws and Working-Age Mortality," co-authored by Maxwell professors Douglas Wolf, Jennifer Karas Montez and Shannon Monnat, was featured in CBS News and CTV News articles.

September 1, 2022

Self-Rated Physical Health Among Working-Aged Adults Along the Rural-Urban Continuum — US, 2021

Danielle Rhubart, Shannon Monnat

"Self-Rated Physical Health Among Working-Aged Adults Along the Rural-Urban Continuum — United States, 2021," co-authored by Professor Shannon Monnat, was published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

August 29, 2022

Rural-Urban Variation in COVID-19 Experiences and Impacts among U.S. Working-Age Adults

Shannon Monnat

This study investigates rural-urban differences in COVID-19 in terms of its impacts on the physical and mental health, social relationships, employment, and financial hardship of U.S. working-age adults (18–64).

August 29, 2022

See related: COVID-19

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Sociology Department
302 Maxwell Hall