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Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Applications

Badi H. Baltagi
January 1, 2009

Baltagi article on regional trade agreement effects published in Journal of Econometrics

Badi H.Baltagi, PeterEgger & Michael Pfaffermayr
June 30, 2008

Yinger analysis on No Child Left Behind Act published in Public Finance Review

William Duncombe, Anna Lukemeyer & John Yinger
June 30, 2008

See related: Education

Kubik study on ordering and revenue in art auctions published

Harrison G. Hong, Ilan, Jeffrey D. Kubik, J. Mei & Michael J. Moses
May 31, 2008

Ondrich, Yinger article on changes in rental housing discrimination published in Cityscape

Seok Joon Choi, Jan Ondrich & John Yinger
December 31, 2007

See related: Housing

Baltagi article on serial correlation, spatial autocorrelation and random effects published in JE

Badi H. Baltagi, Seuck Heun Song , Byoung Cheol Jung & Won Koh
August 31, 2007

Flores-Lagunes, Horrace study on efficient fishing vessels published in Journal of Applied Econ

Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, William C. Horrace & Kurt E. Schnier
June 30, 2007

Baltagi study on root tests and spatial dependence published in Journal of Applied Econometrics

Badi H. Baltagi, Georges Bresson & Alain Pirotte
February 28, 2007

Baltagi Lagrange multiplier test for heteroskedasticity study published in Journal of Econometrics

Badi H.Baltagi, Georges Bresson & Alain Pirotte
September 30, 2006

Rothenberg paper on outflows-induced sudden stops published in Journal of Policy Reform

Jillian E. Faucette, Alexander D. Rothenberg & Francis E. Warnock
August 14, 2006

Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy

Jerry Evensky
December 31, 2005

Helping Children Left Behind: State Aid and the Pursuit of Educational Equity

John M. Yinger
This book provides an overview and five case studies of school finance reform; a resource for scholars, public officials, and others interested in education finance reform.
December 31, 2004

Panel Data: Theory and Applications

Badi H. Baltagi
January 1, 2004

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Economics Department
110 Eggers Hall