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Feminism, Violence and Nonviolence: An Anthology

Selina Gallo-Cruz

Selina Gallo-Cruz, associate professor and graduate director of sociology, has edited and written the introduction for “Feminism, Violence and Nonviolence: An Anthology” (Edinburgh University Press, 2024).

July 9, 2024

Rural and Small-Town America: Context, Composition, and Complexities

Shannon M. Monnat, Tim Slack

Shannon M. Monnat, professor of sociology and Lerner Chair in Public Health Promotion and Population Health, has co-authored “Rural and Small Town America: Context, Composition, and Complexities” (University of California Press, 2024) with Tim Slack, professor of sociology at Louisiana State University. 

July 3, 2024

See related: Rural Issues, United States

Watchful, skeptics, and system distrusters: Characteristics associated with different types of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among U.S. working-age adults

Xue Zhang, Shannon M. Monnat

“Watchful, skeptics, and system distrusters: Characteristics associated with different types of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among U.S. working-age adults,” co-authored by Professor of Sociology Shannon Monnat, was published in Vaccine.

July 2, 2024

Earnings and Employment Patterns Following Child-Care Subsidy Receipt

W. Clay Fannin, Colleen Heflin, Taryn Morrissey
“Earnings and Employment Patterns Following Child-Care Subsidy Receipt,” co-authored by Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs, and Ph.D. student W. Clay Fannin, was published in Social Service Review.
July 1, 2024

How Bureaucrats Represent Economic Interests: Partisan Control over Trade Adjustment Assistance

Minju Kim

“How Bureaucrats Represent Economic Interests: Partisan Control over Trade Adjustment Assistance,” authored by Assistant Professor of Political Science Minju KIM, was published in International Studies Quarterly.

July 1, 2024

Racial-Ethnic Gaps in Pandemic-Related Economic Hardship: Age Differences among Older Adults

Emily E Wiemers, I-Fen Lin, Anna Wiersma Strauss, Janecca A Chin, V Joseph Hotz, Judith A Seltzer

“Racial-Ethnic Gaps in Pandemic-Related Economic Hardship: Age Differences among Older Adults,” co-authored by Emily Wiemers, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, was published in Journals of Gerontology: Series B.

June 18, 2024

Misunderstanding the Harms of Online Misinformation

Ceren Budak, Brendan Nyhan, David M. Rothschild, Emily Thorson, Duncan J. Watts

“Misunderstanding the Harms of Online Misinformation,” co-authored by Assistant Professor of Political Science Emily Thorson, was published in Nature.

June 6, 2024

Assessing the Potential for Incentives to Raise Prices in Multi-Sided Platform Mergers

Ildiko Magyari, Áron Tóbiás

“Assessing the Potential for Incentives to Raise Prices in Multi-Sided Platform Mergers,” co-authored by Associate Professor of Economics Áron Tóbiás, was published by American Bar Association Antitrust Law Section.

June 3, 2024

See related: Economic Policy

Towards Sustainable Cultural Institutions for a New Nation: Creating a National Museum and Archives for South Sudan

Elke Selter, Jok Madut Jok

“Towards Sustainable Cultural Institutions for a New Nation: Creating a National Museum and Archives for South Sudan,” co-authored by Professor of Anthropology Jok Madut Jok, was published in Museum International.

May 23, 2024

State COVID-19 Policies and Drug Overdose Mortality Among Working-Age Adults in the United States, 2020

Douglas A. Wolf, Shannon M. Monnat, Emily E. Wiemers, Yue Sun, Xue Zhang, Elyse R. Grossman, Jennifer Karas Montez

“State COVID-19 Policies and Drug Overdose Mortality Among Working-Age Adults in the United States, 2020,” co-authored by Maxwell faculty members Douglas Wolf, Shannon Monnat, Emily Weimers and Jennifer Karas Montez, was published in the American Journal of Public Health.

May 20, 2024

Residential mobility and persistently depressed voting among disadvantaged adults in a large housing experiment

David Jonathan Knight, Baobao Zhang

“Residential mobility and persistently depressed voting among disadvantaged adults in a large housing experiment,” co-authored by Assistant Professor of Political Science Baobao Zhang, was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

May 7, 2024

Carrying the Cross: Popular Christian Communities and Religious Protest during Pinochet's Dictatorship, 1973–90

Denisa Jashari

“Carrying the Cross: Popular Christian Communities and Religious Protest during Pinochet's Dictatorship, 1973–90,” authored by Assistant Professor of History Denisa Jashari, was published in the Journal of Latin American Studies.

May 3, 2024

The Chilean Christians for Socialism Movement: Liberationist, Third Worldist, and Utopian

Denisa Jashari

“The Chilean Christians for Socialism Movement: Liberationist, Third Worldist, and Utopian,” written by Assistant Professor of History Denisa Jashari, was published in Latin American Research Review.

April 29, 2024

Years of Life Lost Due to Insufficient Sleep and Associated Economic Burden in China From 2010–18

Xumeng Yan, Fang Han, Haowei Wang, Zhihui Li, Ichiro Kawachi, Xiaoyu Li
“Years of Life Lost Due to Insufficient Sleep and Associated Economic Burden in China From 2010–18,” co-authored by Assistant Professor of Sociology Haowei Wang, was published in the Journal of Global Health.
April 29, 2024

See related: China, Longevity

10 Ways to Better Understand How Shifting State Policy Contexts Affect Americans’ Health

Jennifer Karas Montez

“10 Ways to Better Understand How Shifting State Policy Contexts Affect Americans’ Health,” authored by University Professor Jennifer Karas Montez, was published in the Milbank Quarterly.

April 24, 2024

Women’s Role in Violence and UN Women, Peace, and Security Agenda

Çağlayan Başer

“Women’s Role in Violence and UN Women, Peace, and Security Agenda,” authored by Assistant Professor of Political Science Çağlayan Başer, was published in Alternatif Politika.

April 19, 2024

Pay-to-Stay as Stategraft

Gabriela Kirk-Werner, April D. Fernandes. Brittany Friedman

“Pay-to-Stay as Stategraft,” co-authored by Assistant Professor of Sociology Gabriela Kirk-Werner, was published in the Wisconsin Law Review.

April 18, 2024

Hostages of Credit: The Imprisonment of Debtors in the Khedival Period

Omar Cheta

Omar Cheta, assistant professor of history, contributed a chapter titled “Hostages of Credit: The Imprisonment of Debtors in the Khedival Period” to the book “The Oxford Handbook of Modern Egyptian History” (Oxford Academci, 2024).

April 16, 2024

Electoral Rewards and Punishments for Trade Compensation

Minju Kim, Robert Gulotty

“Electoral Rewards and Punishments for Trade Compensation,” co-authored by Assistant Professor of Political Science Minju Kim, was published in World Politics.

April 16, 2024

Aging Families in Chinese Society

Merril Silverstein

Merril Silverstein, Marjorie Cantor Endowed Professor of Aging Studies and chair of sociology, has edited and written the introduction for “Aging Families in Chinese Society” (Routledge, 2022), which was recently released in paperback.

April 15, 2024

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