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Pendergrast finds state disaster recovery laws have limited public health resources

Claire Pendergrast, Lerner Graduate Fellow, finds that state disaster recovery laws have limited public health requirements, authorities and activities. The development and dissemination of best practices to provide opportunities for public health actors to inform recovery decision making may enhance the potential for health promotion during disaster recovery.

May 12, 2021

Healthy Monday Race Across the US was featured in

The Healthy Monday Race Across the U.S. challenge will provide participants with an app to keep track of their activities and behaviors over a 12-week period beginning May 17. The goal for each participant and team is to rack up miles and improve wellness in a virtual race from Syracuse to San Francisco. Participants can win prizes, such as gift cards, along the way. 

May 12, 2021

Lauryn Quick & Colleen Heflin's Research Brief Cited in Common Dreams

Lerner Faculty Affiliates Lauryn Quick and Colleen Heflin wrote a brief on Housing Insecurity During the Coronavirus Response that was cited in this Common Dreams article. They found that from April 23 to July 14, nearly 15% of households nationally, 19% in New York State, and 22% in the New York City metro area reported not making last month’s housing payment.
April 16, 2021

See related: COVID-19, Housing, United States

Lerner Graduate Fellow Alumna Katie Mott wins student paper award!

Congratulations to Lerner Graduate Fellow Alumna, Katie Mott, who won the Student Paper Award from the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Division of Sociology and Social Welfare for her paper, “Hurry Up and Wait”: Stigma, Poverty, and Contractual Citizenship. 
April 5, 2021

See related: Awards & Honors

Lerner Faculty Affiliate Marc Garcia participating in Congressional Briefing

The briefing, "Living, Working, Dying: Demographic Insights into COVID-19", is sponsored by the Population Association of America and open to the public.

April 1, 2021

Landes speaks to PBS about COVID-19 vaccines for people with IDD

"It's not been surprising, on one hand, that states have not prioritized this group, because that's historically been the case," says Scott Landes, associate professor of sociology. "It's been disappointing, because the evidence was there pre-pandemic and the evidence is there now that this group is at higher risk." 
April 1, 2021

Monnat investigates opioid misuse and family structure in a new study

Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, and her colleagues found in their study that marriage protects against opioid misuse, and the presence of children protects against opioid misuse but varies by marital status.

March 30, 2021

Danielle Rhubart Awarded Grant to Study Mental Health among Rural Older Adults

Dr. Rhubart's study, "Social Infrastructure and Mental Health among Older Adults in Rural America," will use data from the Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System
March 25, 2021

Program Coordinator Mary Schutt interviewed for Healthline on the mental health effects of COVID19

Mary Kate Schutt was quoted in this Healthline article, Chronic Stress Could Still Affect Mental Health Years After COVID-19. She gives recommendations for how to support mental health during and after the pandemic.
March 25, 2021

Kevin Antshel quoted in CNBC story about re-integrating into society after the pandemic

“Extraordinarily high levels of uncertainty are really against how we’ve advanced as human beings,” says Lerner Affiliate Kevin Antshel.

March 24, 2021

Lerner Fellow Mariah Brennan selected for position in RAND's 2021 Grad Student Summer Program

Mariah Brennan, Lerner Graduate Fellow and Social Sciences PhD student, was selected for a very competitive and prestigious position in RAND's 2021 Graduate Student Summer Associate Program. Brennan will work with researchers at RAND this summer on projects related to veterans' health and health care. 
March 16, 2021

Landes talks to CBS about COVID-19 reporting of people with IDD

Scott Landes, associate professor of sociology and co-author of a recent study that found that those with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) living in group homes may be more likely to die from COVID-19, says the pandemic has exposed shortcomings in the medical community "as we've made decisions on who we collect data on, what we report, who we emphasize, who gets prioritization."
March 11, 2021

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Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health