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Major Causes of Death among Adults with Down Syndrome

Scott D. Landes

Adults with Down syndrome often die at earlier ages than their peers in the general population.

June 17, 2020

Black Lives Matter: Police Brutality in the Era of COVID-19

Tyra Jean

Although police brutality and COVID-19 are separate tragedies, they intersect. This brief describes how, from COVID-19 to police brutality, the U.S. black population consistently bears the burden of life-threatening consequences due to structural racism throughout multiple institutions.

June 16, 2020

See related: COVID-19

Workers with Disabilities May Remain Unemployed Long after the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jennifer D. Brooks

While the re-opening of the U.S. economy promises a return to work for some, this may not be the case for many displaced workers with disabilities. This issue brief describes the intricacies of employability of workers with disabilities .

June 15, 2020

COVID-19, Anxiety, and Depression: Evidence from the U.S. Household Pulse Survey

Xiaoyan Zhang

A large share of U.S. adults report feelings of anxiety and depression during COVID-19. The interactive figure allows you to explore demographic differences in reports of depression and anxiety among U.S. adults during COVID-19.

June 11, 2020

The Health Consequences of Riot Control Methods

Austin McNeill Brown

Riot control tactics pose a risk to the health and safety of protestors. This issue brief examines the health implications of riot control methods such as tear gas, pepper spray, and “less than lethal” munitions and the role of such techniques in recent protests.

June 10, 2020

Accidental Drownings are Predictable and Preventable

Mary E. Helander, Margaret K. Formica, Alexandra Punch

Drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury-related death in the world for all age groups, with one third of fatal and nonfatal drownings occurring with the hours of 4pm and 8pm. This data slice gives helpful advice on how to stay safe while cooling off.

June 10, 2020

See related: Crime & Violence

This World is Exhausting, don’t Let it Exhaust You: Setting Emotional Boundaries to Prevent Fatigue

Mary Katherine A. Lee

How can you show compassion and empathy without draining your emotional energy? This issue brief provides tips on how to set personal boundaries to prevent emotional exhaustion.

June 9, 2020

Protecting your Mental Health during COVID-19

Ashley Van Slyke

COVID-19 has presented an onslaught of change and uncertainty, leaving many people feeling isolated and disconnected. This brief describes strategies we can try to protect our mental health during this uncertain time.

June 8, 2020

Aging-in-Place Organizations are Key to Building Disaster Resilience for Older Adults

Claire Pendergrast

COVID-19 has tragically demonstrated the serious threat that pandemics and other disasters pose to older adults’ health, safety, and well-being. What role can senior centers and senior villages play in protecting older adults’ health and building their resilience during COVID-19 and other disasters?

June 5, 2020

Gender Disparities in Caretaking during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Danielle Rhubart

Women have consistently been responsible for more child and elder care than men in the U.S. This disparity continues during COVID-19 and is affecting women’s work.

June 4, 2020

Breaking Isolation: Self Care for When Coronavirus Quarantine Ends

Dessa Bergen-Cico

This brief describes how prolonged periods of solitude affect our mental health and provides some strategies for how we can protect our mental and emotional health as we reengage with society.

June 3, 2020

COVID-19 Mortality Rates are Higher among People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability

Scott D. Landes

Despite higher risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), there has been limited reporting of COVID-19 trends for this population. This research brief shows that higher COVID-19 case fatality rates among people with IDD. Risk is especially high among people are younger ages.

June 1, 2020

Why Monitoring your Media Consumption during COVID-19 is Important

Dessa Bergen-Cico

This brief explains how too much media consumption (including the news) can affect your psychological and physiological wellbeing and provides strategies for monitoring your media consumption.

May 28, 2020

Public Health Side Effect of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Screen Time-Related Eye Strain & Eye Fatigue

Mary E. Helander, Stephanie A. Cushman, Shannon M. Monnat

While technologies help us stay connected and enable us to get the resources we need, too much screen time can lead to eye strain, headaches, and neck and back pain.

May 26, 2020

Let Them Eat Lunch: The Impact of Universal Free Meals on Student Performance

Amy Ellen Schwartz , Michah W. Rothbart

Children need healthy and balanced meals to perform well in school. Universal Free Meal programs improve English and Math test scores and may even reduce obesity among middle school students. District and school leaders nationwide should consider adopting this program.

May 12, 2020

Making Meaning during Coronavirus

Mary Katherine A. Lee

This brief discusses why meaning matters and how we might reflect on what we learned about ourselves from the COVID-19 pandemic to make more intentional meaning in our lives.

May 4, 2020

Grandmothers at Work during Coronavirus

Madonna Harrington Meyer

COVID-19 is reshaping the lives of working grandmothers in the U.S. This brief draws on in-depth interviews and grandmothers’ stories to show how the coronavirus is redefining the lives of working grandmothers.

May 1, 2020

Risky Business: Recognizing the Flaws of Employer-Based Health Insurance during COVID-19

Austin McNeill Brown , Mariah Brennan Nanni

This brief discusses the implications of binding health insurance to employment during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.


April 29, 2020

COVID-19 & Pneumonia: Increased Risk for Individuals with Disabilities during the Pandemic

Scott D. Landes, Dalton Stevens, Margaret A. Turk

This brief describes the implications of higher rates of pneumonia among individuals with IDD for increased risk of serious complications (including death) from COVID-19.

April 27, 2020

How to Help Children Develop Emotional Resilience during Coronavirus

Xiaoyan Zhang , Mary Katherine A. Lee

Children are more vulnerable than adults to the emotional impact of traumatic events that disrupt their normal lives.

April 15, 2020

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Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health