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Perceived access to PrEP as a critical step in engagement: A qualitative analysis and discrete choice experiment among young men who have sex with men

Elizabeth A. Asiago-Reddy, John McPeak, Riccardo Scarpa, Amy Braksmajer, Nicola Ruszkowski, James McMahon, Andrew S. London
Andrew London and John McPeak assess preferences for and barriers to PrEP access in the U.S. in a study published in PLoS One.
January 26, 2022

See related: Insurance

Conceptualising Policy Design in the Policy Process

Saba Siddiki, Cali Curley

In this article, Saba Siddiki, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, and her co-author discuss how scholars guided by different orientations to studying policy design are addressing and measuring common policy design concepts and themes, and offer future research opportunities.

January 10, 2022

The impact of pork-barrel capital funding in schools: Evidence from participatory budgeting in NYC

Michah W. Rothbart, David J. Schwegman, Iuliia Shybalkina
Michah Rothbart examines the impact of pork-barrel capital funding in New York City schools in a study published in Public Budgeting & Finance.
December 16, 2021

See related: Economic Policy

Impacts of Property Tax Levy on Housing Price and Rent: Theoretical Models and Simulation with Insights on the Timing of China Adopting the Property Tax

Ping Zhang, Yilin Hou and Bo Li
Professor Yilin Hou examines the  impact of property tax levy (RPT) on China’s housing price in article published in China Finance and Economic Review.
December 2, 2021

See related: China

Using Pupil Transportation Data to Explore Educational Inequities and Outcomes: A Case Study from New York City

Sarah Cordes, Samantha Trajkovski, Christopher Rick, Meryle Weinstein, and Amy Ellen Schwartz
This article explores how researchers can use pupil transportation data to explore key questions about the role of transportation in educational access and equity, such as how students get to school and the effect of transportation on student outcomes.
December 1, 2021

The Effect of EITC Exposure in Childhood on Marriage and Early Childbearing

Katherine Michelmore, Leonard M. Lopoo
Katherine Michelmore and Len Lopoo examine the effect of Earned Income Tax Credit exposure in childhood on marriage and early childbearing.
December 1, 2021

See related: Parenting & Family

Limited contracts, limited quality? effects of adjunct instructors on student outcomes

Maria Zhu
In an article published in Economics of Education Review, Assistant Professor of Economics Maria Zhu examines the effects of adjunct professors on student outcomes.
December 1, 2021

Limited Contracts, Limited Quality? Effects of Adjunct Instructors on Student Outcomes in Higher Education

Maria Zhu
Zhu paper on the effects of adjunct instructors on student outcomes published in Econ of Edu Review
October 22, 2021

Risk Factors Explaining Military Deaths From Suicide, 2008–2017: A Latent Class Analysis

Scott D. Landes, Janet M. Wilmoth, Andrew S. London
Sociologists Scott Landes, Andrew London and Janet Wilmoth examine the risk factors in military deaths by suicide.
September 25, 2021

See related: Mental Health

Forced Moves and Home Maintenance: The Amplifying Effects of Mortgage Payment Burden on Underwater Homeowners

John P. Harding, Jing Li, Stuart S. Rosenthal & Xirui Zhang
August 28, 2021

See related: Housing

Welfare Reform and Children’s Health

Badi H. Baltagi & Yin-Fang Yen
August 11, 2021

Bayesian Spatial Bivariate Panel Probit Estimation

Badi H. Baltagi, Peter H. Egger & Michaela Kesina
This paper formulates and analyzes Bayesian model variants for the analysis of systems of spatial panel data with binary dependent variables.
August 11, 2021

So Many Hospitals, So Little Information: How Hospital Value Based Purchasing is a Game of Chance

Andrew I. Friedson, William C. Horrace, and Allison F. Marier
August 11, 2021

Labor Unions and Occupational Safety: Event-Study Analysis Using Union Elections

Ling Li, Shawn Rohlin & Perry Singleton
August 11, 2021

Density Deconvolution with Laplace Errors and Unknown Variance

Jun Cai, William C. Horrace & Christopher F. Parmeter
The authors consider density deconvolution with zero-mean Laplace noise in the context of an error component regression model.
August 10, 2021

Network Competition and Team Chemistry in the NBA

William C. Horrace, Hyunseok Jung & Shane Sanders
The authors consider a heterogeneous social interaction model where agents interact with peers within their own network and agents across other networks.
August 10, 2021

Childhood injuries and food stamp benefits: an examination of administrative data in one US state

Colleen M. Heflin, Irma Arteaga, Jean Felix Ndashimye & Matthew P. Rabbitt
August 5, 2021

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Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall