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Center for Policy Research

Policy Brief

Stronger Regulations on Air Pollution Could Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Rates

Yue Sun

C.P.R. Policy Brief No. 8

December 2023

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the United States, but there are large disparities in CVD death rates across the country. Air pollution also plays an important role in shaping geographic disparities in CVD mortality, as air pollutants can become absorbed in human circulation systems, and cause inflammation, damage nervous systems, and trigger poor CVD outcomes. This brief reports the results of a study that used data on air pollution and from death certificates to estimate the association between fine particulate matter and cardiovascular disease mortality rates in the U.S. in 2016-2018. Results show that cutting air pollution to match the World Health Organization’s proposed standards could have prevented over 300,000 CVD deaths in the U.S. over this period.

CPR Policy Briefs present concise summaries of findings from recent research conducted by CPR affiliates in the areas of crime and the law, economic wellbeing and poverty, education, energy and the environment, families, health, public finance, social welfare, urban and regional economics, and other policy-relevant domains.

Center for Policy Research
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