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Center for Policy Research

Property Tax Web Series

The Impact of Taxing Vacancy on Housing Markets: Evidence from France

Mariona Segú

September 2019


Vacancy is a common phenomenon across developed countries. Policymakers seek to reduce vacancy as it is seen as a challenge to housing affordability, especially in large cities. Taxing vacant housing is becoming a more popular tool among lawmakers, and yet this instrument has never been properly evaluated. This paper provides the first evaluation of a tax on vacant housing.

First, I develop a model to understand the mechanisms of vacancy creation. Then, I use the quasi-experimental setting of the introduction of a tax on vacancy in France in 1999 to identify the causal direct effect of the tax on the vacancy rate. Exploiting an exhaustive administrative dataset, which contains information on every housing unit in France from 1995 to 2013, I implement a difference-in-difference approach combined with a propensity score matching strategy. Results suggest that the tax accounted for a 13% decrease in vacancy rates between 1997 and 2001.

The impact is especially concentrated in long-term vacancy. Results also suggest that most of the vacant units were turned into primary residences.

This paper was presented by Mariona Segú on December 3, 2021 as part of the 2021-2022 Syracuse Webinar Series on Property Tax Administration and Design.

This Syracuse-Chicago Webinar Series on Property Tax Administration and Design aims to gather insight and scholarship through domestic and international comparative studies with common threads to help reform and improve property tax administration and design in the U.S. and other countries facing similar problems.

For questions about the webinars, please contact Alyssa Kirk. For questions about this paper, please contact the author or authors.

Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall