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Tax Subsidies and Housing Affordability

Anastasia Girshina, François Koulischer, and Ulf von Lilienfeld-Toal
This report, by François Koulischer, finds that the top 10% of households by real estate wealth capture between 17% and 26% of the surplus from housing tax subsidies.
October 27, 2023

Inequality in Property Tax Appeals: Evidence from Field Experiments with Homeowners and Assessors

Justin Holz, David Novgorodsky, and Andrew Simon
This report, by Justin Holz, uses two field experiments, one with homeowners and the other with county assessors, to understand the drivers of inequality in property taxes and homeowner appeal behavior.
October 13, 2023

Identifying Tax-Setting Responses from Local Fiscal Policy Programs

Valeria Merlo, Andreas Schanbacher, Georg U. Thunecke, and Georg Wamser
This report, by Georg Thunecke, studies tax policy interaction among local governments for both mobile and immobile tax bases.
September 22, 2023

Wealth and Property Taxation in the United States

Sacha Dray, Camille Landais, and Stefanie Stantcheva
This report, by Stefanie Stantcheva, studies the history and geography of wealth accumulation in the U.S., using newly collected historical property tax records since the early 1800s.
September 8, 2023

When Do Property Taxes Matter? Tax Salience and Heterogeneous Policy Effects

Marina Gindelsky, Jeremy Moulton, Kelly Wentland, and Scott Wentland
This report, by Jeremy Moulton, investigates salience in the context of property taxes, exploring how accurately households perceive their property tax liabilities and what factors determine misperception.
May 19, 2023

Asymmetric Risk of Housing Distress from Property Tax Limitations

Sebastien Bradley, Da Huang, and Nathan Seegert
This report, by Sebastien Bradley, shows that property tax limitations can expose households to greater systematic risk despite reducing intertemporal variation in tax amounts overall. 
May 5, 2023

The Impact of Property Reassessment on Tax Equity and Household Expectations

Yoon-Jung Choi, Yilin Hou, and John Yinger
This report, by Yoon-Jung Choi, examines assessment disparities across racial and income groups and documents the impact of reassessment on this disparities.
April 21, 2023

Taxing Homeowners Who Won't Borrow

Francis Wong
This report, by Francis Wong, is the first study to document the role of non-neoclassical savings behavior in determining homeowners' responses to property taxes.
April 7, 2023

Property Tax Sales, Private Capital, and Gentrification in the U.S.

Cameron LaPoint
This report, by Cameron LaPoint, constructs a new nationwide registry of local tax sales to examine how property tax delinquencies facilitate institutional real estate investment in major U.S. metro areas, and the effects of these acquisitions on neighborhood composition and housing disparities.
March 24, 2023

Shocking Wealth: The Long-Term Impact of Housing Wealth Taxation

Matthijs Korevaar and Peter Koudijs
This report, by Matthijs Korevaar, provides the first empirical estimates of the long-run effects of shocks to property taxation on lifetime wealth accumulation and investment. 
March 10, 2023

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Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall