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Books by Maxwell School Faculty


Tunisia's Modern Woman: Nation-Building and State Feminism in the Global 1960s

Amy Aisen Kallendar

Cambridge University Press, 2021

Middle East & North Africa


Porous Borders, Invisible Boundaries? Ethnographic Perspectives on the Vicissitudes of Contemporary Migration

Jayne Howell, Deborah A. Altamirano, Faedah M. Totah, Fethi Keles

American Anthropological Association, 2018

Europe, Migration, United States


Maintaining Refuge: Anthropological Perspectives in Uncertain Times

David Haines, Jayne Howell, Fethi Keles

American Anthropological Association, 2017

Refugees, United States


Clock and Compass: How John Byron Plato Gave Farmers a Real Address

Mark Monmonier

University of Iowa Press, 2022


Allan Mazur Ice Ages Their Social and Natural History

Ice Ages: Their Social and Natural History

Allan Mazur

Cambridge University Press, 2022

Climate Change

Edwin Ackerman Origins of the Mass Party

Origins of the Mass Party: Dispossession and the Party-Form in Mexico and Bolivia in Comparative Perspective

Edwin Ackerman

Oxford University Press, 2021

Government, Latin America & the Caribbean, Political Parties