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Books by Maxwell School Faculty

Imagining the Sacred Past: Hagiography and Power in Early Normandy

Imagining the Sacred Past: Hagiography and Power in Early Normandy

Samantha Kahn Herrick

Harvard University Press, 2007


Bench Press: The Collision of Courts, Politics, and the Media

Bench Press: The Collision of Courts, Politics, and the Media

Keith J. Bybee

Stanford University Press, 2007

Market Friendly or Family Friendly? The State and Gender Inequality in Old Age

Market Friendly or Family Friendly? The State and Gender Inequality in Old Age

Madonna Harrington Meyer

Russell Sage Foundation, 2007

Gender and Sex

A Place at the Multicultural Table: The Development of an American Hinduism.

A Place at the Multicultural Table: The Development of an American Hinduism

Prema Kurien

Rutgers University Press, 2007


Harriet Tubman: Myth, Memory, and History

Milton C. Sernett

Duke University Press, 2007

Panic Diaries: A Genealogy of Panic Disorder

Panic Diaries: A Genealogy of Panic Disorder

Jackie Orr

Duke University Press, 2006