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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Earnings and Employment Patterns Following Child-Care Subsidy Receipt

W. Clay Fannin, Colleen Heflin, Taryn Morrissey
“Earnings and Employment Patterns Following Child-Care Subsidy Receipt,” co-authored by Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs, and Ph.D. student W. Clay Fannin, was published in Social Service Review.
July 1, 2024

How Bureaucrats Represent Economic Interests: Partisan Control over Trade Adjustment Assistance

Minju Kim

“How Bureaucrats Represent Economic Interests: Partisan Control over Trade Adjustment Assistance,” authored by Assistant Professor of Political Science Minju KIM, was published in International Studies Quarterly.

July 1, 2024

Reeher Discusses the Biden-Trump Debate with AFP, The Globe and Mail, The Hill and Newsweek

“Trump seemed to bring almost every issue back to immigration and the harms he asserted were coming from that—that was obviously one of his main strategies. President Biden seemed to address different policy questions more in their own terms. He talked fast and in a staccato, hoarse whisper,” says Grant Reeher, professor of political science.

July 1, 2024

IDJC Launches New Poll With Ipsos That Tracks Attitudes Toward Civic Engagement, Democracy

Initial findings found that Republicans were more invested in watching the first presidential debate between President Biden and former President Trump than Democrats or independents.  

July 1, 2024

Jackson Speaks with Bloomberg and NPR About Young Voters’ Outlooks on the 2024 Election

In our most recent GenForward poll, “what they actually said [was most important to them] was income inequality and economic growth. It seems that what we saw four years ago has really shifted for young voters and they're more concerned now with how they're going to have economic longevity,” says Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science.

June 28, 2024

Diem Research on the History of Monastery of Reichenau in Germany Featured in Der Spiegel Article

Professor of History Albrecht Diem's book chapter on the evidence of queer life in the Monastery of Reichenau during the early medieval period, based on a ninth-century visionary text and early medieval commentary to the monastic rule of Benedict of Nursia, was extensively discussed in an article published in Der Spiegel.

June 27, 2024

See related: Europe, Gender and Sex, Religion

Golden Article on the Implications of EVs on State Budgets Published in Governing

“It’s not just the decline in fuel tax revenues and its impact on highway construction and maintenance,” says Jay Golden, Pontarelli Professor of Environmental Sustainability and Finance. “Real estate will also be affected, and sales taxes are likely to take a hit. States need to begin developing strategies.”
June 26, 2024

O’Keefe Talks About the Need for Civil Service System Reform in Washington Post Article

“We think the current civil service system is badly in need of reform. But the blueprints offered by both left and right are problematic. One side is firmly rooted in a status quo that (inadvertently or otherwise) impedes accountability, and the other could end up politicizing the very civil servants who should be politically neutral,” writes University Professor Sean O'Keefe and his co-authors.

June 22, 2024

See related: Congress, Federal, United States

Williams Quoted in National Magazine Article on Conscription in Canada

“The U.S. and Canada will do anything possible to avoid a draft,” says Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs. If war breaks out, a coalition force of North American professional military personnel would likely do the fighting, alongside existing European troops, he says.

June 21, 2024

Matthew Ross Wanetik Memorial Scholarship Honors ‘Admirable Life’

Zoe Tatum Best, a rising senior majoring in political science, is the recipient of this year’s Matthew Ross Wanetik Memorial Scholarship, which honors the life of a Maxwell School student who passed away from an undetected heart ailment while studying abroad in 2008. 

June 21, 2024

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