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Voices at the Table

The inaugural Policy Camp introduced undergraduate students of color to career options in policy — and to the impact bolstered racial and cultural diversity can have across the public sector.

January 1, 2019

Baltagi awarded 2018 Kuwait Prize in Economics by KFAS

Badi Baltagi, Distinguished Professor of Economics, was awarded the 2018 Kuwait Prize in Economics and Social Sciences (Economy) by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS). The Kuwait Prize recognizes Arab scientists across the globe who have made outstanding lifetime contributions in their research fields. Baltagi is being recognized for his distinguished scientific research in theoretical and applied panel data econometrics. He received the award during a ceremony in Kuwait on December 5, 2018. 12/11/18
December 11, 2018

PSt/PSc alumna Tammy Berendzen makes Top 10 Who Made a Difference list

Tammy Berendzen '94 BA (PSt/PSc) was named one of The New Mexican’s 10 Who Made a Difference for 2018. Berendzen, president of the Santa Fe Skating Club, has been the central figure in helping solidify the skating club — and growing the sport — among both the young and old in a high-desert town.

December 7, 2018

Lerner Center, Monday Mile featured by CDC for inclusivity

The Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion's Monday Mile program was featured on the CDC website on International Day of Persons with Disabilities for incorporating the principles of inclusion in the design of new Monday Mile routes.

December 6, 2018

Taylor's Code of Putinism makes War on the Rocks 2018 reading list

"The Code of Putinism" (Oxford University Press, 2018), Professor of Political Science Brian Taylor's new book, is described as "an essential guide for understanding Russian decision making beyond mere cable news talking points."

December 5, 2018

Model UN team named distinguished delegation at conference in DC

A Syracuse University/Maxwell team participating in the National Model United Nations (NMUN) conference in November was named a “Distinguished Delegation” for its portrayal of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Thirteen students majoring in international relations participated as delegates in this academic conference, which drew approximately 1,000 college and university students from over three dozen countries to our nation’s capital for a simulation of global diplomacy.  
December 3, 2018

Student Spotlight: Dina Eldawy Named Marshall Scholar

The international relations and citizenship and civic engagement major is the second student in SU history to receive the honor. 
December 3, 2018

Four Maxwell students selected as 2019 PMF finalists

Created more than three decades ago, the Presidential Management Fellows Program Program is a flagship leadership development program for advanced-degree candidates who, if selected, receive two-year appointments within federal agencies. The program attracts and selects the best candidates possible, particularly those with the greatest potential to become government leaders.

November 28, 2018

SU to open ‘Americans Who Tell the Truth,’ host public discussion

Robert Shetterly's 238-painting portrait series highlight American citizens who courageously address issues of social, environmental and economic fairness. Major sponsor of the exhibition and the accompanying lecture is the Maxwell School’s Tanner Lecture Series for Ethics, Citizenship, and Public Responsibility in cooperation with the University Lectures and the Graduate Program in Museum Studies in the College of Visual and Performing Arts’ (VPA) School of Design.

November 27, 2018

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