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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Research

Soc faculty publish study on veteran mortality, health care coverage

Scott D. Landes, Andrew S. London & Janet M. Wilmoth
The authors argue that, in order to fully understand veteran status differences in morbidity and mortality, future studies must move beyond the analysis of veteran- and Veteran Affairs-only samples, and should take into account variable connections of subpopulations to the military, resultant differences in types of health care coverage, and sex/gender.
September 6, 2018

Abdelaaty article on attitudes towards refugees published in JEMS

Liza G. Steele & Lamis Abdelaaty
August 27, 2018

See related: Refugees

Purser article on problems with Eviction Lab published in Shelterforce

Daniella Aiello, Lisa Bates, Terra Graziani, Christopher Herring, Manissa Maharawal, Erin McElroy, Pamela Phan & Gretchen Purser
August 27, 2018

See related: Housing

Heflin study on SNAP benefits, pregnancy-related ER trips published

Irma Arteaga, Colleen Heflin & Leslie Hodges
August 13, 2018

Michelmore publishes study on union stability, couples with children

Kelly Musick & Katherine Michelmore
July 18, 2018

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