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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Research

Sociologists explore veteran service-connected disability in new study

Scott D. Landes, Andrew S. London & Janet M. Wilmoth
June 29, 2021

Rosenthal paper on commercial real estate, urban spatial structure, and COVID-19 published in JUE

Stuart S. Rosenthal, William C. Strange & Joaquin A. Urrego
June 24, 2021

See related: COVID-19

Sarah Pralle examines changes in flood insurance rate maps in Risk Hazard & Crisis in Public Policy

Devin Lea, Sarah Pralle
Pralle, associate professor of political science, and co-authors' findings suggest changes to flood zones on FIRMs occur more often where people have greater socioeconomic means, raising questions of equity for future FIRM appeals and revisions.
June 24, 2021

New Book by Armstrong Offers Insights About Harriet Tubman’s Life Following Self-Emancipation

Douglas V. Armstrong

Douglas Armstrong, professor of anthropology, has published a new book, “The Archeology of Harriet Tubman’s Life in Freedom” (Syracuse University Press, 2022). 

June 21, 2021

Maxwell scholars publish book on public policy and the life course

Janet M. Wilmoth and Andrew S. London
June 21, 2021

See related: Health Policy

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