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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Research

Are We Understating the Impact of Economic Conditions on Welfare Rolls?

Dan A. Black, Terra G. McKinnish & Seth G. Sanders
February 29, 2000

Health Promotion for Older Adults: What Is the Potential?

Linda P. Fried
December 31, 1999

See related: Aging

Mourning in Late Imperial China: Filial Piety and the State

Norman Kutcher
December 31, 1999

See related: China

The Evolving Practice of Medicine: A View from the Front Line

Robert M. Corwin, Thomas H. Dennison, Patricia D. Franklin, Paul B. Ginsburg & David G. Murray
August 31, 1999

Helping the Working Poor: Employer- vs. Employee-Based Subsidies

Stacy Dickert-Conlin & Douglas Holtz-Eakin
There has been renewed interest in subsidizing firms that employ disadvantaged workers as a means of addressing poverty and other social problems. In contrast, the prevailing practice is largely to provide social welfare benefits directly to individuals.
July 31, 1999

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