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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Commentary

Excerpt of Lasch-Quinn's Ars Vitae Published in Montréal Review

An excerpt of "Ars Vitae: The Fate of Inwardness and the Return of the Ancient Arts of Living” (Notre Dame Press, 2020), written by Professor of History Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn, was published in The Montréal Review
November 23, 2021

See related: Europe

Monnat Quoted in BBC Article on US Drug Overdose Deaths

Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology, is quoted in the BBC article, "US annual drug overdose deaths hit record levels."
November 18, 2021

Williams Talks to BBC Newshour About Russian Cybercriminals

Associate Professor Michael John Williams is interviewed by BBC Newshour "Cybersecurity: wanted criminals living freely in Russia," beginning at 7:56.
November 18, 2021

See related: Data Privacy, Russia

Lovely Discusses the Upcoming Biden-Xi Virtual Summit on Bloomberg TV

Watch the full interview with Professor Mary Lovely, beginning at 5:38, via Bloomberg TV.
November 15, 2021

See related: China, United States

Van Slyke Weighs in on Biden's Infrastructure Plan in Associated Press

Dean David M. Van Slyke shared his views on the infrastructure bill in the Associated Press article, "Biden’s $1T infrastructure bill historic, not transformative."
November 15, 2021

Heflin Quoted in Associated Press Article on Food Insecurity Among Military Families

Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs, is quoted in the Associated Press article, "Thousands of military families struggle with food insecurity."
November 15, 2021

Gueorguiev Discusses China, Climate Efforts in Washington Post

"The U.S. and China agreed to work together on climate action. What would push this cooperation forward?," authored by Associate Professor of Political Science Dimitar Gueorguiev, was published in the Washington Post.
November 12, 2021

Hammond, Reeher Op-Ed on Redistricting NY Published on

"Redistricting NY: It’s more than drawing lines on a map," authored by Timur Hammond, assistant professor of geography and the environment, and Grant Reeher, professor of political science, was published on
November 12, 2021

Williams Piece on Handling of Russian Cyberattacks Published in Foreign Policy

According to Associate Professor Michael John Williams, the U.S. needs a new legal doctrine to handle state-tolerated attacks. Read more in his piece, "Make Russia Take Responsibility for Its Cybercriminals," published in Foreign Policy.
November 11, 2021

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