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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Bybee discusses the rules of civility in PolitiFact article

"In a static and homogenous society, one would expect homeschooling in civility to yield a consensus on the norms of appropriate public behavior," says Keith Bybee, professor of political science. "But the United States is not such a society."

February 20, 2018

Banks quoted in NY Daily News article on Russian meddling in election

"These indictments remind us that the Mueller investigation has always first and foremost been about Russian interference in the election," says William C. Banks, professor of practice of public administration and international affairs.

February 19, 2018

Banks weighs in on secret filings in Manafort case on Bloomberg

William Banks discusses why the judge in Paul Manafort’s money-laundering case is complaining that there have been too many secret filings in the case on the Bloomberg podcast "Judge Lashes Out at Lawyers in Manafort Laundering Case."
February 16, 2018

Kriesberg op-ed on Israeli-Palestinian conflict published in The Hill

"An imposed one-sided solution will have other grave consequences for America. There has been considerable security and other realms of cooperation between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority, which the U.S. government has aided. President Trump’s moves to impose a settlement will undermine such cooperation," writes Louis Kriesberg, professor emeritus of sociology.

February 15, 2018

PhD student Fabiola Ortiz discusses harassment on NY farms with NPR

Fabiola Ortiz '16 MA (Anth) and PhD student in anthropology was interviewed for the segment "A Sexual Harassment Nightmare in Rural New York" on NPR's Latino USA. "When you are an undocumented farmworker, you have very little resources," says Ortiz, who studies New York dairy farmworkers. "Maybe you don’t know the language well. Maybe you’re new to New York and you don’t know where you are." 02/15/18
February 15, 2018

See related: Agriculture

Monnat participates in NY Times panel on solving opioid problem

"I would include in this funding building opportunities/outlets for social cohesion, community engagement and civic participation," says Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, on how she would spend a hypothetical budget of $100 billion to solve the opioid crisis.

February 14, 2018

Elizabeth Cohen talks to WAER about US immigration

"There’s a set of priorities and most of the people have been waiting in the queue for years; frequently, even decades. So, we do not have large flows of people coming into this country based on any kind of chain system," says Elizabeth F. Cohen, professor of political science.

February 13, 2018

Reeher weighs in on DeFrancisco departing 50th district in Eagle News

"The interesting question it raises is whether the seat will change parties," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute. "That’s possible, given the district enrollment," adding "and with the Senate closely split, this particular election could become very important."

February 9, 2018

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