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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Elizabeth Cohen quoted in PolitiFact article on Congresswoman McSally

"McSally has voted in favor of funding border fencing and wall construction," Elizabeth Cohen, associate professor of political science, says. "Cautious support may in fact ultimately be quite important to the realization of effective border security given that there are many types of border fences and walls that are ineffective or dangerous."

April 13, 2018

Barkun cited in Medium article on nation’s current post-truth moment

"Such subject-specific areas as crank science, conspiracist politics, and occultism are not isolated from one another," but rather they are interconnected, according to Michael Barkun,  professor emeritus of political science. "The consequence of such mingling is that an individual who enters the communications system pursuing one interest soon becomes aware of stigmatized material on a broad range of subjects."

April 12, 2018

Thomsen speaks with Frontline about Trump's impact on Democratic party

"There are two types of Democrats that we’ve seen emerge in the wake of Trump," says Danielle Thomsen, assistant professor of political science. "The bulk of those are coming from the liberal Democratic end, but there are pockets of more conservative leaning Democrats that have the potential to anchor the party at the center and shape the party’s ideological course in the years to come."

April 12, 2018

Lovely speaks with AP, Minnesota Public Radio about products targeted by US-China tariffs

Mary Lovely, professor of economics, says it’s impossible to protect American consumers and put maximum pressure on China at the same time.

April 10, 2018

Lutz weighs in on why immigrants enlist in Fronteras Desk interview

Citizenship for oneself or a spouse is a motivator for immigrants, says Amy Lutz, associate professor of sociology. But so is the chance to move up in the world. "The higher your socioeconomic status, the less likely you are to join the military."

April 9, 2018

Lovely quoted in CNBC article on China President Xi, US trade dispute

For Xi's government, "this particular episode is going to play right into their ability to get people on their side because Trump is seen as the aggressor," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

April 9, 2018

Lovely discusses US-China trade dispute in CNN Money, Christian Science Monitor

International automakers are "training their future competitors and receiving only a fraction of what their intellectual property would earn" if they were allowed to go it alone in China, says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

April 6, 2018

Student Carol Tojeiro discusses workforce gender inequality in Cornell Policy Review

"To improve women’s access to employment and increase workforce productivity, the Argentine government must design and adopt inclusive gender-sensitive public policies, address social unrest, and measure the impact of such policies in addressing gender equality," writes M.A. (IR/Econ) candidate Carol Tojeiro.

April 5, 2018

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