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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: United States

Andrew Cohen talks to CNY Central About Crimes of Opportunity

Andrew Cohen, Dr. Walter Montgomery and Marian Gruber Professor of History, spoke to CNY Central about crimes of opportunity at Destiny USA.

March 8, 2022

Heflin Discusses Teen Food Insecurity, Education on This Week in Sociological Perspective Podcast

Professor Colleen Heflin was interviewed on the This Week in Sociological Perspective podcast about her upcoming paper, "Exposure to Food Insecurity during Adolescence and Educational Attainment."

March 7, 2022

Landes Weighs in on CDC Recognizing People with IDD Are at Higher Risk of COVID in Disability Scoop

Scott Landes, associate professor of sociology, was quoted in the Disability Scoop article, "CDC Adds IDD To List Of Conditions At Increased Risk From COVID-19."

March 7, 2022

See related: COVID-19, IDD, United States

McDowell Discusses the Financial Sanctions Targeting Russia with Marketplace and the Washington Post

Associate Professor of Political Science Daniel McDowell discussed the financial sanctions imposed by the West on Russia with Marketplace and in his article published in the Washington Post.

March 3, 2022

Taylor Interviewed by 3AW Radio, Daily Express and Fox Nation on the Conflict in Ukraine

Professor Brian Taylor discussed Russia, Putin and the conflict in Ukraine with 3AW Radio, Daily Express and Fox Nation.

March 1, 2022

Lasch-Quinn Discusses History of DC Settlement Houses in Washington Post Article

Professor Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn was quoted in the Washington Post article, "In 1902, a remarkable and charitable house opened in a part of Southwest D.C. known as Bloodfield." 
February 22, 2022

Monnat's Research Cited in NY Times Article on Trump, Canadian Truckers' Protests

A study co-authored by Associate Professor of Sociology Shannon Monnat was cited in the New York Times article, "There’s a Reason Trump Loves the Truckers." 
February 22, 2022

Landes Talks to The Atlantic About People With Disability, COVID

“I shared, along with many other people with disability, the hope that this time may increase awareness,” Scott Landes, associate professor of sociology, says. “It seemed like for a while we were in this together.” But that moment has passed. “It has underscored the fact that the system is broken,” says Landes.
February 11, 2022

Flores-Lagunes Speaks to Marketplace About Jobs Numbers

Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, professor of economics, says it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact factors causing job numbers to rise. Read more in the Marketplace article, "How much credit can you give presidents for creating jobs?"
February 9, 2022

Griffiths Comments on Secession Movements in the US in CSM Article

Rarely has there been a time in American history without some kind of active secession movement, but calls for separation today are often more fragmented. Ryan Griffiths, associate professor of political science, says many of these groups are too small even for his database.
February 3, 2022

See related: Government, United States

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