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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Ukraine

Khalil Quoted in Morning Consult Piece on Invasion of Ukraine, Political Boosts in the West

Osamah Khalil, associate professor of history, was quoted in the Morning Consult article, "Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Brings Varying Political Boosts for Leaders of Western Response."

March 3, 2022

See related: NATO, Russia, Ukraine

McDowell Discusses the Financial Sanctions Targeting Russia with Marketplace and the Washington Post

Associate Professor of Political Science Daniel McDowell discussed the financial sanctions imposed by the West on Russia with Marketplace and in his article published in the Washington Post.

March 3, 2022

Taylor Interviewed by 3AW Radio, Daily Express and Fox Nation on the Conflict in Ukraine

Professor Brian Taylor discussed Russia, Putin and the conflict in Ukraine with 3AW Radio, Daily Express and Fox Nation.

March 1, 2022

Taylor Discusses Putin, Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine with BBC News Brazil, Washington Post, WETM

Professor Brian Taylor talks to BBC News Brazil, the Washington Post and WETM about Putin and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
February 25, 2022

Banks Talks to New York Observer About NATO, Cyberwarfare

William Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs, discusses NATO and cyberwarfare in New York Observer article.
February 25, 2022

See related: Cybersecurity, NATO, Russia, Ukraine

Taylor Talks to Washington Post, Radio Free Europe, WSYR About Putin, Russia-Ukraine Crisis

Professor Brian Taylor discusses Putin and the Russia-Ukraine crisis with Radio Free Europe, the Washington Post and WSYR.
February 21, 2022

Allport Quoted in Atlantic Piece on Role of History in Ukraine Crisis

Alan Allport, professor of history, was quoted in The Atlantic article, "Vladimir Putin Is a Product of Modernity." 
February 10, 2022

See related: Russia, Ukraine

Williams Discusses NATO Options Regarding Russia, Ukraine in AC Blog

"If Russia boosts its aggression against Ukraine, here’s what NATO could do," written by Associate Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs Michael John Williams, was published in the Atlantic Council's New Atlanticist blog. 
January 28, 2022

See related: NATO, Russia, Ukraine

Executive Education alums discuss open data in transportation field in Vox article

Oleksiy Anokhin '17 EMPA/EMIR/CAS (conflict resolution and leadership/inter & non-govern orgs) and Anton Volov '15 EMPA/CAS (conflict resolution and leadership/inter & non-govern orgs) co-authored piece, "Traffic Accidents, Routes, Fines: Big Data in the Transport Section,"
April 15, 2020

Banks comments on impeachment proceedings in China Daily

William C. Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs, says "stonewalling" by administration members is based on the presumption that courts will uphold White House executive privilege. "This ploy buys time and delays the House proceedings, but also may add another charge in the impeachment—obstruction of justice."

November 8, 2019

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