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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Space Exploration

O'Keefe discusses Richard Branson's space flight with CNBC, The Hill

University Professor Sean O’Keefe, former NASA administrator, joined CNBC's Worldwide Exchange to discuss the space flight, and what it means for the billionaire and for the world. O'Keefe also wrote a piece, "Richard Branson's space flight changes the way we look at space," that was published in The Hill. 
July 12, 2021

See related: Europe, Space Exploration

O'Keefe remembers space shuttle Columbia tragedy on LocalSYR's Bridge Street

Sean O'Keefe remembers the Shuttle Columbia tragedy on LocalSYR's Bridge Street.
February 2, 2021

O'Keefe talks to SpaceNews about civil space traffic management

University Professor Sean O'Keefe recently participated in a study by the National Academy of Public Administration on which agency was best to handle civil space traffic management. O’Keefe believes the Office of Space Commerce is best suited for the task.

November 13, 2020

O'Keefe quoted in Houston Chronicle articles on NASA, politics

University Professor Sean O’Keefe analyzes that advancements during these past three administrations are proof that a NASA strategy can withstand nearly two decades of leadership transitions and annual appropriations. "Did it take a different route? Yup," says O’Keefe. "…But it’s still very much on exactly the same path."

October 9, 2020

O'Keefe talks to Christian Science Monitor about commercial spaceflight

"It’s an important inflection point, if you will, of now seeing the opportunity for commercial transportation of humans into space," says University Professor Sean O’Keefe, former administrator of NASA. "This is much akin to the transition when the first civil aviation aircraft took off decades ago after many decades of it being exclusively a public endeavor."

May 27, 2020

Lambright discusses SpaceX, NASA in Associated Press article

"You can’t explain SpaceX without really understanding how NASA really kind of nurtured it in the early days," says Harry Lambright, professor of public administration and international affairs and political science. "In a way, SpaceX is kind of a child of NASA."

May 27, 2020

O'Keefe reflects on Apollo 13 during 50th anniversary week with KTRH

"This is a remarkable chapter in NASA’s history that has lived for 50 years to remind everybody at that remarkable storied agency what a tremendous accomplishment can be yielded even in moments in which it appears to be on the verge of failure," University Professor Sean O'Keefe says. "It reminds us of our humanity." 

April 17, 2020

O'Keefe comments on NASA's upcoming astronaut launch in The Atlantic

"You can’t just turn the lights out and say, we’ll be back," says University Professor Sean O’Keefe. "[The space station] is an asset that needs constant operational attention."

April 14, 2020

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