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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Political Parties

Reeher discusses NY Dems, support for impeachment in Daily Star

"The more moderate Democrats are recalculating, thinking they have to get on board with this [President Trump's impeachment] or face primaries" from left-leaning insurgents, says Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher. "The facts have also changed" since the Russia investigation, he adds.

September 26, 2019

Gadarian discusses attitudes on immigration in Quartz article

Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science, says the fact that Trump has turned immigration into such a partisan issue has likely increased support for immigrants among many Americans. "On the whole, people’s attitudes have become more supportive of immigration," she says.

September 11, 2019

Reeher weighs in on Obama's criticism of Trump in The Hill

"Obama can say things that will be heard differently from the Democratic candidates for president," says Professor Grant Reeher. "He has the role of former president and that de facto gives you a statesmanlike role. And he fills that role in the way he expresses himself."

August 7, 2019

Reeher comments on Trump's efforts to help A$AP Rocky in USA Today

Grant Reeher was interviewed on USA Today regarding President Trump coming to the aid of rapper A$AP Rocky, after facing assault charges in Stockholm, Sweden. "We're headed into a campaign year, and it may be no coincidence that the person Trump is advocating for is a popular African-American rapper," Said Reeher.

August 6, 2019

Reeher quoted in Press-Republican article on NY, Trump's tax returns

Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, says that Governor Cuomo's signing of new legislation that allows Congressional committees to acquire President Trump's New York tax filings "represents a new escalation in the level of political polarization that we're seeing."

July 11, 2019

Reeher comments on upcoming Democratic debates in The Hill

"It sets up an incentive for candidates to get some attention by throwing out something that will get the media’s attention,” Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher says about the crowded Democratic field. 

June 10, 2019

Reeher comments on crowded Democratic 2020 debate stage in TIME

Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, says that while too crowded a field leads to a lack of meaningful conversation, restricting the debate stage too extensively is also not ideal because it creates "a self-fulfilling prophecy" in which dark horse candidates never get the chance to emerge.

June 3, 2019

Banks speaks with Bloomberg about AG Barr's feud with Democrats

Professor William Banks was interviewed on the tension between House Democrats and Attorney General William Barr, over Trumps decision to assert executive privilege over an unredacted version of the Mueller report.
May 13, 2019

Reeher weighs in on Pelosi's comments about Trump in The Hill

"I don’t think this kind of rhetoric is helping," says Grant Reeher. "If you think the Democrats’ chances are better with a more moderate centrist candidate, just say that. Instead, everything is about Trump." Reeher was interviewed for The Hill article "The Memo: Pelosi's 'tone-deaf' remarks raise ire of Team Trump."
May 7, 2019

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