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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Natural Resources

Popp discusses Biden's green jobs agenda in Forbes article

"Wages in solar and wind could increase if demand increased, at least initially," says Professor David Popp, who wrote about the impact of fiscal policy on green jobs in a working paper in June 2020. "But higher wages would also attract more workers to develop the skills to work in wind and solar, so the increase need not be permanent."
January 19, 2021

Sultana talks to The Sanctuary for Independent Media about divesting from fossil fuels

Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography and the environment, says "a divestment from fossil fuels signals a commitment to ending climate breakdown, to have climate justice, and to think about equitable and just transitions toward regenerative economies and societies that move away from fossil fuels."

September 18, 2020

Public Affairs and the Multifront Attack on Climate Change

In its breadth and interdisciplinary richness, the Maxwell School proves to be a fertile setting for research on one of today’s most complex and pressing issues. Researchers are working all the angles — policy, economics, societal adaptation, governance, citizenship, and more — in their contributions to saving this planet.
June 25, 2019

Schwartz study on effect of a school-based water intervention on child BMI published in JAMA

Amy Ellen Schwartz, Michele Leardo & Siddhartha Aneja
February 29, 2016

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