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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Longevity

U.S. State Preemption Laws and Working-Age Mortality

Douglas Wolf, Jennifer Karas Montez, Shannon Monnat

"U.S. State Preemption Laws and Working-Age Mortality," co-authored by Maxwell professors Douglas Wolf, Jennifer Karas Montez and Shannon Monnat, was published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

September 1, 2022

See related: Health Policy, Longevity

Maxwell Faculty Research on Paid Sick Leave, Mortality Rate Cited by CBS News, CTV News

"U.S. State Preemption Laws and Working-Age Mortality," co-authored by Maxwell professors Douglas Wolf, Jennifer Karas Montez and Shannon Monnat, was featured in CBS News and CTV News articles.

September 1, 2022

Self-Rated Physical Health Among Working-Aged Adults Along the Rural-Urban Continuum — US, 2021

Danielle Rhubart, Shannon Monnat

"Self-Rated Physical Health Among Working-Aged Adults Along the Rural-Urban Continuum — United States, 2021," co-authored by Professor Shannon Monnat, was published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

August 29, 2022

Montez Talks to Scientific American About the Growing Mortality Gap Between GOP and Dem Areas

University Professor and demographer Jennifer Karas Montez was quoted in the Scientific American article, "People in Republican Counties Have Higher Death Rates Than Those in Democratic Counties."

July 20, 2022

Rural-Urban and Within-Rural Differences in COVID-19 Mortality Rates

Yue Sun, Kent Jason G. Cheng, Shannon Monnat
June 23, 2022

See related: COVID-19, Longevity

Montez Talks to NPR About the Link Between Politics and Health

University Professor Jennifer Karas Montez was interviewed on NPR about the link between politics and health.

June 15, 2022

Garcia Research on COVID’s Impact on Latino Mortality Cited in US News & World Report Article

A research brief co-authored by Assistant Professor of Sociology Marc Garcia was cited in the U.S. News & World Report article, "Lives Cut Short: COVID-19's Heavy Burden on Older Latinos."

June 13, 2022

U.S. State Policy Contexts and Physical Health among Midlife Adults

Jennifer Karas Montez, Blakelee R. Kemp, Jacob M. Grumbach
June 8, 2022

Garcia, Lerner Center Research on COVID and the Latino Mortality Advantage Cited in NBC News Story

A recent Lerner Center research brief co-authored by Assistant Professor of Sociology Marc Garcia was cited in the NBC News article, "Covid-19 narrows long-standing Latino mortality advantage, study finds."

May 16, 2022

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the Age Pattern of Adult Mortality

Andrew London, Scott Landes

"Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the Age Pattern of Adult Mortality," written by sociologists Andrew London and Scott Landes, was published in Biodemography and Social Biology.

April 27, 2022

See related: Longevity

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