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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Federal

Banks speaks to CNN about Trump's comments about Rep. Adam Schiff

"Rep. [Adam] Schiff is protected by the Speech or Debate Clause of the Constitution from being questioned 'in any other place,'" said William Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs. "The protection clearly extends to the offending Tweets."

October 22, 2019

Burman discusses the cost of Warren's Medicare for All in the Atlantic

Leonard Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics, says raising significantly more tax revenue to fund Medicare for All "is plausible in the sense that it is theoretically possible. But the revolution that would come along with it would get in the way." 

October 18, 2019

Gadarian speaks to Spectrum News about the impeachment inquiry

"This is bigger than a partisan fight," says Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science. "This is really about the nature of what is the presidency and what can it be used for."

October 9, 2019

Lovely quoted in Business Insider article on service-sector activity

"We can see that service jobs are put at risk when President Trump launches a trade war," says Professor of Economics Mary Lovely. "Many service jobs depend on trade, not just because we export services directly but also because services go into export production."

October 7, 2019

See related: Federal, Labor, Trade, United States

Reeher quoted in Globe and Mail article on impeachment

Grant Reeher, professor of political science, says the whistle-blower revelations aren’t really telling people anything they didn’t already know about President Trump. "How many times,” Reeher says, "can you regenerate the outrage?"

October 3, 2019

See related: Congress, Federal, United States

Reeher quoted in The Hill article on impeachment, polarization

"One of the risks for Democrats in 2020— specially at the presidential level—is that the impeachment process will suck up all the oxygen that otherwise might have been available to make the affirmative case for election," says Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher.

October 1, 2019

Banks weighs in on impeachment probe in China Daily article

"If the allegations are true, the abuse of power is significant, and many members of Congress will be motivated to conduct impeachment proceedings," says William Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs.

September 27, 2019

Faricy reviews the impeachment inquiry on CNY Central

"It’s damning by any account just for the mere fact that he asked a foreign leader to investigate private citizens for potential personal political gain is egregious," says Christopher Faricy, associate professor of political science. "The question, what else is out there that we are not aware of, either with the Ukranian President or even other countries and leaders."

September 26, 2019

Reeher discusses NY Dems, support for impeachment in Daily Star

"The more moderate Democrats are recalculating, thinking they have to get on board with this [President Trump's impeachment] or face primaries" from left-leaning insurgents, says Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher. "The facts have also changed" since the Russia investigation, he adds.

September 26, 2019

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