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Filtered by: COVID-19

Monnat discusses COVID-19 with D Magazine, Stateline, the Verge

"At the front end, not testing these groups [poor and racial-ethnic minority populations] at the same level is increasing the risk of fatality rates," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.

April 13, 2020

Van Slyke discusses coronavirus, Easter in WalletHub article

"I believe individuals are being prudent concerning risks they take and risks that others are subjected to because of their decision making," says Dean David Van Slyke. "Because many faith communities are now streaming online, individuals are acting appropriately to guard their health and the health of others."

April 10, 2020

Lovely quoted in USA Today article on face mask imports from China

"Suppliers may not have been able to supply as much as was demanded because they needed to provide it to the local economy, and the Chinese factories were simply not operating," says Professor of Economics Mary Lovely. "Workers were not at work. They were at home. They were quarantined."

April 10, 2020

See related: China, COVID-19, Economic Policy

Steinberg weighs in on rolling back tariffs during pandemic in South China Morning Post

A tariff rollback to encourage cooperation with China "would make sense, but I don't think it will work if the framework is, we're suspending them till January, while we try to get [the two economies stabilised], and then we're going to put them back in again," says University Professor James Steinberg.

April 10, 2020

O'Keefe discusses USS Theodore Roosevelt COVID incident in NY Times, Washington Post

"At its core, this is about an aircraft carrier skipper who sees an imminent threat and is forced to make a decision that risks his career in the act of what he believes to be the safety of the near 5,000 members of his crew," says University Professor Sean O’Keefe.

April 9, 2020

Executive Education alumni respond to need for masks in Syracuse

“We always imagine that our programs have global reach. So many of our students come here from around the world. But this amazing response to the coronavirus emergency confirms Maxwell’s belief in global community,” said Xueyi Chen, who directs Executive Education’s China Program, after 100 Chinese alumni of the program shipped medical masks to Central New York.

April 9, 2020

See related: COVID-19, New York State

Gadarian talks partisanship, public responses to COVID-19 in The Hill

"Partisanship is determining how citizens respond to COVID-19, and this divided response puts every American at risk," Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science, and her co-authors write. "If America’s political elite cannot come together, the costs of COVID-19 will be disproportionately felt in those places where Republicans did not act." 

April 8, 2020

Reeher comments on political polarization, coronavirus in The Hill

Grant Reeher, professor of political science, says that while the primary focus needs to be on the human cost of the crisis, "it is in fact a very good natural experiment to answer the question of how deep our polarization goes — and the answer is, very damn deep."

April 7, 2020

Pudles, AnswerNet play an important role in the COVID-19 pandemic

Gary Pudles '84 B.A. (PSt) is the president and CEO of AnswerNet, a call center outsourcer operating throughout North America. AnswerNet was awarded a large contract to make outbound calls for the State of New York to book appointments for COVID-19 testing. 

April 7, 2020

See related: COVID-19, New York State

Banks cautions against use of military during pandemic in Daily News

Most of the time...America’s military forces have remained in the background, waiting for direction from civilian leaders to respond to crises and then only in limited ways," says William C. Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs. "That’s by design. We train soldiers to fight and win wars and deter threats overseas."

April 6, 2020

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