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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Congress

Banks weighs in on Republican's support for Trump in China Daily

Because Senate conviction requires a two-thirds majority, it is highly unlikely that 67 senators will line up against the former president, according to Professor Emeritus William C. Banks. 
February 10, 2021

Banks weighs in on Trump's impeachment case in Wall Street Journal

In a criminal case, a prosecutor would have to prove that former President Donald Trump "could have reasonably foreseen that his incitement was likely to lead to all hell happening at the Capitol," says Professor Emeritus William Banks.
February 8, 2021

Reeher comments on Rep. Stefanik's career trajectory in Times Union

Rep. Elise Stefanik’s career trajectory has always followed two paths, says Professor Grant Reeher: astute and methodical political operative and ideological warrior.
January 19, 2021

Gadarian discusses Rep. Stefanik's loyalty to Trump with North Country Public Radio

Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science, spoke with North Country Public Radio (NCPR) about the significance of Stefanik's objection to the electoral count and her loyalty to President Donald Trump.
January 8, 2021

Maxwell faculty speak to the media about violence at the US Capitol

Those who spoke with various media outlets about yesterday's violence at the U.S. Capitol include Professor Emeritus William C. Banks who said the fiasco was a "lawless threat" to the country's democratic institutions. 
January 7, 2021

O'Keefe discusses executive-legislative relations on CSIS podcast

University Professor Sean O’Keefe reflects that working in both the legislative and executive branches "are both rewarding in their own different ways, as long as you don't confuse that bright line of distinction between policy formulation and program implementation. It typically works very successfully."

October 12, 2020

See related: Congress, Federal, United States

Thompson discusses local congressional races with CNY Central

"There is always higher turnout in a presidential election year, but what that will mean in any given district is less clear," says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science. 

August 19, 2020

Popp comments on green stimulus, economic crisis in MIT Technology Review

"What’s really important right now is getting money out quickly, and Congress can’t even do that," says David Popp, professor of public administration and international affairs. "I worry about tacking on green stimulus, or anything else that slows down the process. We can worry about financing the green transition six months from now."

July 28, 2020

Banks discusses FISA reforms with Sinclair Broadcast Group

Professor Emeritus William C. Banks says the changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act process in the bill would increase accountability for abuses of the system and require the FBI to disclose more information to the court.

March 16, 2020

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