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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Addiction

Prescription Opioid Resiliency and Vulnerability: A Mixed-Methods Comparative Case Study

Shannon Monnat, Andy Hochstetler, David J. Peters

"Prescription Opioid Resiliency and Vulnerability: A Mixed-Methods Comparative Case Study," co-authored by Professor of Sociology Shannon Monnat, was published in American Journal of Criminal Justice.

November 28, 2022

See related: Addiction, Health Policy

Monnat Quoted in BBC Article on US Drug Overdose Deaths

Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology, is quoted in the BBC article, "US annual drug overdose deaths hit record levels."
November 18, 2021

Monnat discusses the US drug crisis on CBS News Radio

Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, was interviewed on CBS News Radio's "America: Changed Forever" podcast about drug abuse and the role the COVID-19 pandemic may have played in last year's drug-related deaths.
July 28, 2021

Executive Education grad serves on panel merging mental health, addiction services

Lisa Hoeschele ’03 M.A. (PA) recently served on a committee guiding a merger of NY's Office of Mental Health and Office of Addiction Services and Supports.
May 17, 2021

Monnat discusses increase in overdoses during the pandemic in VICE

"At its core, I think addiction is about a need for connection," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion. "My research shows that work, family and community are the three most important factors for understanding why drug overdose rates are higher in some places than others. Work, family and community are the three arenas where we derive meaning and purpose from our lives. If we don’t have those connections, we might seek it out elsewhere, for example with drugs."
February 22, 2021

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