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In the News: Robert B. Murrett

Murrett talks US military options regarding North Korea in Politico

"It is very important to deal very carefully with North Korea," says Robert Murrett, deputy director of the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism. "They are [a] less rational actor than other international players."

August 30, 2017

Murrett weighs in on US tensions with North Korea in CNBC article

Robert Murrett, deputy director of the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism, was interviewed for the CNBC article, "US-South Korean war games provide trigger that could further inflame Pyongyang." 
August 10, 2017

Maxwell School honors new graduates at 2017 MPA Convocation

Celebrants of the Maxwell School's 2017 MPA Convocation ceremony reflected on the words of the Keynote Speaker, Howie Phanstiel the former Chairman, President, and CEO of PacifiCare. "When I first started to work in the government, I thought that 'profit' was a dirty word and had no intent or desire to work in the private sector," said Howie. The ceremony closed with remarks from graduating student Jace Beehler, calling on all Maxwell graduates to remain critical yet respectful, and debate wholeheartedly with an open mind.
July 5, 2017

INSCT awarded grant to study law & policy of unmanned aerial systems

The INSCT project—Law and Policy of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles—was awarded $68,248. The project will develop a policy and legal framework that supports the use of various types of unmanned aerial systems throughout the state, while ensuring public safety, protecting civil liberties and promoting industrial growth. 

January 6, 2017

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