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In the News: David M. Van Slyke

New Broadnax Fund supports PAIA students

A new scholarship, funded by Walter and Angel Broadnax, will support graduate students at the Maxwell School.  Walter Broadnax is a recently retired member of the Public Administration and International Affairs faculty and a Maxwell alumnus, with a PhD in public administration (1975).  
March 2, 2017

Maxwell is now accepting applications for ExecutiveMPA@Syracuse

ExecutiveMPA@Syracuse online classes are designed and led by Maxwell School faculty who also teach on campus and are organized to develop the same core leadership, management, and analytical skills as the on-campus program.

February 16, 2017

Robertson Foundation extends partnership with Maxwell

The recently announced two-year funding extension will support a total of four additional Robertson fellows. All Robertson fellows receive funding for two years of study, allowing them to pursue one of the joint degrees offered through the Public Administration and International Affairs Department. 

February 7, 2017

Quicken the Sense of Public Duty

Maxwell’s new dean, David M. Van Slyke, takes the Athenian Oath very seriously. And he views the Maxwell School — with all its complexity and plurality and disciplinary cross-currents — as uniquely prepared to uphold it.
December 16, 2016

Public administration PhD student co-authors Politico op-ed

This op-ed, titled “The Coast Guard's Flawed Icebreaker Plan,” criticizes the Coast Guard for pursuing a plan to build a new icebreaker at the cost of $1 billion. That icebreaker, which will take 10 years to complete, will provide only the second icebreaker in America’s fleet, at a time when other nations vying for control of the Arctic have dozens.
November 21, 2016

Breaking the Ice

In advance of President Obama’s well-publicized trip to Alaska, two Maxwell professors were invited to advise stakeholders on shipping-channel icebreakers.

February 1, 2016

Maxwell Perspective: Different (But Related)

Responding to trends in the world and in the workplace, Maxwell forges stronger ties between public administration and international relations.

July 7, 2012

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