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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: WAER

Launch of Autonomous Systems Policy Insitute featured by local, national and international media

Numerous outlets covered the launch and the daylong symposium that brought together scholars, policymakers and industry experts to discuss the rapidly evolving field. 
May 7, 2019

Zoli analyzes immigration debate on WAER

"If Congress had done a better job at clarifying immigration rules, laws, and statutes, which have been in need of reform for the last decade plus, then we wouldn't have this level of resorting to politicizing this issue because it would be clarified in the law," says Corri Zoli, research assistant professor of political science.

January 9, 2019

Coverage of Maxwell X Lab initiative picked up around the world

“We made a simple letter directly for the property owner receiving it, from a person working for the city. The request, (needed) steps and personalized note were laid out to draw immediate attention,” describes Joseph Boskovski '14 M.P.A., a co-founder of the Maxwell X Lab.

November 27, 2018

Smullen discusses Trump-Putin meeting on WAER

“I don’t think our brand as a nation is in a good place. Instead of threatening our allies, we need to be building relationships so that we once again have collaborative opportunities to counter evil nations or tyrant leaders,” says Bill Smullen, director of the National Security Studies program.

July 19, 2018

Taylor weighs in on Trump-Putin summit in NY Times, Spectrum, WAER

"The whole press conference was Trump repeatedly scoring own goals with the ball that Putin had given him," says Brian Taylor, professor of political science, adding, "Putin must’ve been extremely happy."

July 17, 2018

Keck weighs in on SCOTUS nominee on Capitol Pressroom, WAER

Tom Keck, professor of political science and Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics, says the nomination of Kavanaugh is part of a "generation-long effort to stack the Supreme Court." 

July 11, 2018

Stuart Thorson speaks to WAER about summit with North Korea

Stuart Thorson, professor emeritus of political science and international relations, was interviewed on WAER for the segment "Retired SU Int'l Relations Expert is Optimistic About Positive Outcome of Summit with N. Korea." According to Thorson, "if Trump can do something to be truthfully and robustly reassuring to the North Koreans, I think over time, good things can happen."
June 12, 2018

Andrew Cohen discusses tariffs and trade on WAER

Andrew Wender Cohen, Dr. Walter Montgomery and Marian Gruber Professor of History, was a guest on WAER for the segment "Canadian Diplomat and SU Prof: Tariffs Will Cause Damage to Consumers, Workers, and Industry." "American manufacturers can raise the price of their steel to match the new price created by the tariff on foreign products," says Cohen. "So it increases their profits, and the hope is that they distribute that to their workers. At least, that's the logic according to the Trump administration. Economists tell you that won't necessarily happen." 
June 6, 2018

See related: Trade

Miriam Elman speaks to WAER about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Miriam Elman, associate professor of political science, was interviewed for the WAER story "S.U. Israeli-Palestinian Expert: U.S. Embassy Opening in Jerusalem 'Corrects Diplomatic Anomaly'." Elman says the militant group Hamas is trying to manipulate public opinion by aggravating the situation in Gaza and linking it to the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem
May 17, 2018

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