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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Vox

Abdelaaty Explains Europe’s Differing Responses to Refugees in Washington Post, Yahoo News

"European countries are welcoming Ukrainian refugees. It was a different story in 2015," written by Assistant Professor of Political Science Lamis Abdelaaty, was published in the Washington Post. Abdelaaty was also quoted in the Yahoo News article, "Does the Ukrainian refugee response expose a European double standard? Experts weigh in."

March 23, 2022

Taylor Speaks to Forbes, Fox News, Vox About Russian Globalization, Oligarchs, Putin

Professor Brian Taylor discussed the Russia-Ukraine crisis, Putin, and globalization in Russia with Forbes, Fox News and Vox.

March 16, 2022

Gadarian quoted in Vox piece on political polarization, COVID-19 vaccine

"Partisanship is now the strongest and most consistent divider in health behaviors," says Shana Gadarian, professor of political science. 
July 8, 2021

Jackson quoted in Vox article on police reform

Following the Derek Chauvin verdict, President Joe Biden called for changing policing by "acknowledging and confronting, head-on, systemic racism and the racial disparities that exist in policing and in our criminal justice system more broadly." One such idea is to abolish the police. Proponents think communities can work together to regulate themselves without "anti-Black, white supremacist institutions," like the American criminal justice system and policing—which got its start with slave patrols—according to Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science. Read more in the Vox article, "9 ideas to solve the broken institution of policing." 
April 27, 2021

Burman discusses Biden's tax proposal in Vox article

"Taking out the politics, planning a tax bill that would help reduce inequality, make the system work better, raise revenue to slow the rate of growth of the debt, all of those things would make a whole lot of sense," says Leonard Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics. "But the question is just timing, and it’s always a bad time for a tax increase because it’s hard to get your base excited about raising taxes."
March 19, 2021

Morgan quoted in Vox article on Brexit negotiations

Glyn Morgan was interviewed in Vox article, "Brexit talks enter the final stage — maybe."
December 8, 2020

See related: Europe, Government, Trade

Monnat talks to Vox about the dichotomy between public health, economy

"If we want people to feel comfortable enough to go back out to bars and restaurants, to travel, and to send their kids to school, we need to see a decline in cases, and people need to feel confident that their peers will behave responsibly for the greater good," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.

November 5, 2020

Monnat talks to BuzzFeed News, Vox about COVID-19, Trump voter support

"The president has been asking Americans to deny what they see happening right in front of them. People are tired. They want to see some leadership and a coordinated national coronavirus response," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.

November 2, 2020

Banks quoted in Vox article on military deployment at US-Mexico border

While military deployment to the border by President Trump is "clearly legal," Professor of Practice William Banks questions "whether the wall construction itself is lawful."

June 26, 2020

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