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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: The Washington Post

Thorson discusses the conservative politics of sports in Washington Post

Emily Thorson, assistant professor of political science, and her co-author found through survey research that sports fans tend to harbor more right-leaning attitudes on economic and foreign policy issues, even as Republicans are no more likely than Democrats to follow most sports.

October 20, 2017

Logan Strother discusses National Flood Insurance Program in Washington Post

"Many people want the National Flood Iinsurance Program (NFIP) to make flood insurance 'affordable.' And so, Congress will almost certainly continue kicking the NFIP can down the road," writes Logan Strother '13 M.A. (PSc)/'17 Ph.D. (PSc).

September 12, 2017

Van der Vort discusses LGBT groups, trans military ban in the Washington Post

"The pushback against Trump’s trans military ban shows that decades of effort to bridge tensions over identity and tactics have come together—to defend trans rights broadly and the right to serve specifically. The LGBT movement’s long-term efforts to build effective internal coalitions may offer a model for other movements built on shared goals but with internal skirmishes over identities and tactics," writes Eric van der Vort '13 M.A. (PSc), a Ph.D. candidate in political science.

September 11, 2017

Sam Jackson '16 MA (PSc) discusses militia movement in the Washington Post

"And while the militia movement has largely rejected its once–prevalent anti-Semitism, virulent Islamophobia has replaced it. Militias often list Islam (or “radical Islam”) as one of the three biggest threats America faces...which could lead to tyranny," writes Sam Jackson '16 M.A. (PSc), a Ph.D. candidate in social science.

September 11, 2017

Pralle research on flood maps, politics cited in Washington Post and Slate

"Here’s the big lesson from Hurricane Harvey: The U.S. government’s flood zone designation, and the maps based on it, may not predict future flood risks accurately, particularly as climate change alters sea levels and weather patterns," writes Sarah Pralle, associate professor of political science. 

September 7, 2017

White discusses merging of Confederate and Nazi symbols in Washington Post

"While both the Confederacy and Nazi Germany waged wars to defend white supremacy, those two symbols were mostly kept apart for decades after World War II," says Steven White, incoming assistant professor of political science. "How those two symbols of white supremacy have come to overlap tells us a great deal about how white racist extremism developed— and where it might go."

August 15, 2017

Steven White op-ed on transgender military ban published in Washington Post

"Both Truman and Trump were going against majority opinion when they declared a change in military policy that pertained to a marginalized group. The difference, however, is that Truman sought greater inclusion. Trump seeks the opposite," writes Steven White, incoming assistant professor of political science.

August 1, 2017

Thomsen discusses lack of Republican women in Congress in Washington Post

Danielle Thomsen, associate professor of political science, says "both male and female [Republican] donors make ideology a priority and pay no attention to candidates’ gender. Thus, no group of Republican donors is particularly committed to electing women," as an explanation for the lack of Republican women in Congress.

June 20, 2017

Logan Strother '13 MA (PSc) article on Confederate flag in the Washington Post

"These [Confederate] symbols were not widely used after the Civil War, but were reintroduced in the middle of the 20th century by white Southerners to fight against civil rights for African Americans," writes Logan Strother '13 M.A. (PSc), a Ph.D. candidate in political science.

June 12, 2017

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