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Filtered by: The Associated Press

Keck weighs in on Supreme Court impact on electoral politics in Associated Press

"Over the long course of time, the court follows broader political trends," says Thomas Keck, professor of political science and Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics. "But it doesn’t tend to turn as quickly as the elected branches" of government. Keck was interviewed for the Associated Press article "Could hard-right Supreme Court haunt GOP? History says maybe." 
August 8, 2018

Lovely comments on US-EU trade talks in Associated Press article

"The Chinese are not going to be buying our soybeans, so almost by musical chairs our soybeans are going to Europe,” Mary Lovely, professor of economics, says about the EU's response to China's tariffs on American soybeans. 

July 27, 2018

Lovely discusses US-China tariffs in Associated Press, Atlantic, Wash Post, Wall Street Journal

Mary Lovely, professor of economics, explains why lower-income consumers, who tend to buy more goods from countries such as China, might end up feeling squeezed more than their higher-income counterparts.

July 19, 2018

Lovely discusses US-China tariffs with Associated Press, CBS, Consumer Reports, NY Times

"The biggest price hikes may be seen among these lower-priced products, and the effect of that will hit people toward the lower end of the income distribution more," says Professor of Economics Mary Lovely.

July 12, 2018

Lovely weighs in on Harley-Davidson, tariffs in AP, Reuters, NBC

"More firms will follow Harley’s lead and move production overseas," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. "Can’t blame them. Many companies are being put in very difficult positions." 

June 27, 2018

Lovely discusses US-China trade war in Economist, Associated Press, NY Times, Washington Post

"We’ve never seen anything like this," Mary Lovely told the Associated Press. Lovely recently spoke with multiple news outlets about the trade war between the U.S. and China.  

June 25, 2018

Lovely weighs in on Trump's trade stance during G-7 summit in Associated Press

"Unless there’s congressional intervention, it’s hard to see where this goes," says Mary Lovely, professor emeritus of economics at the Maxwell School, about President Trump's combative trade stance.

June 12, 2018

Lovely weighs in on Trump's NAFTA negotiations in Associated Press

"This divide-and-conquer strategy is not entirely unexpected, especially now that the three-way negotiating process seems to have hit a wall," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics, on President Trump's NAFTA talks.

June 6, 2018

Gadarian quoted in Associated Press article on Trump's business conflicts

Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science, says those who pay attention to politics tend to be more partisan and often set aside information they find inconsistent with their beliefs. "To the extent that you like this administration," she says, "you might say this is just the way business is done. This isn’t a concern."

May 23, 2018

Lovely discusses the latest on the US-China trade conflict in Associated Press

"They failed to drill down on the biggest frictions facing U.S. businesses and on those where we are most able to move the Chinese," Mary Lovely, professor of economics, says of the vague statement the U.S. and China released regarding the trade conflict.

May 22, 2018

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