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Filtered by: PolitiFact

Cleary Weighs In on Whether or Not Biden Dropping Out Was a Coup in PolitiFact Article

“Calling Biden’s decision a ‘coup’ does not clarify anything about all of this. It does not accurately reflect any part of what has happened here,” says Matthew Cleary, associate professor of political science.

August 2, 2024

Khalil Weighs In on Trump’s Statement on Abraham Accords, Peace in the Middle East in PolitiFact

"The Abraham Accords did not achieve peace in the Middle East or help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," says Osamah Khalil, professor of history. 

December 12, 2023

Khalil talks to BBC News, KNX News and PolitiFact About the War in Gaza and Israel

"The reality is a ceasefire is needed now and that's not something the United States is willing to agree to. The most the United States is willing to do is a humanitarian pause, but that's not nearly sufficient. And on this, the United States and Israel are an outlier in the international community," Osamah Khalil, professor of history, tells BBC News.

November 1, 2023

Rutherford Quoted in PolitiFact Article on Shift to Electric Vehicles

If the (Biden) administration does not incentivize an electric transition, it means the U.S. will cede EV [electric vehicle] leadership to China," says Tod Rutherford, professor of geography and the environment. "The Europeans are very alarmed by this and especially the German manufacturers are scrambling to catch up."

October 30, 2023

Reeher Talks to PolitiFact About the History and Popularity of the AR-15

Professor Grant Reeher was quoted in the PolitiFact article, "The history of the AR-15 and how it became a symbol of American gun culture." 

June 30, 2022

See related: Congress

Reeher Contributes to PolitiFact Piece on Number of Bills Gov. Hochul Has Passed

Professor Grant Reeher was quoted in the PolitiFact article "Since taking office, Hochul has passed more than 400 new bills."

May 3, 2022

Keck talks to PolitiFact about court packing

Thomas Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics, says a court expansion can be justified. "If it’s the case that Sen. McConnell and other Republican leaders engaged in illegitimate court packing of their own from 2016 to 2020, then from the Democrats’ perspective, an additional round of court reform is necessary to correct for those earlier rounds," he says.
April 26, 2021

Lovely discusses the trade war, tariffs with Marketplace, PolitiFact

"When the price of these inputs go up, U.S. businesses find it harder to compete against non-U.S. competitors, even in the U.S. market," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

November 19, 2019

Lovely helps debunk Trump's statement on China's economy in PolitiFact

"As an economy develops, growth rates come down," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. "Over the long term, we have seen China’s average growth rate decline, which is what we would expect."

September 17, 2019

See related: China, Economic Policy

Reeher weighs in on Gillibrand's legislative victories in PolitiFact

According to Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, it can be difficult to measure how much a lawmaker worked behind the scenes to advance legislation, because the paper trail isn’t always clear.

June 25, 2019

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