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Maxwell School Leadership, Faculty and Staff

Mark Brockway

Assistant Teaching Professor, Political Science Department

Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration

Faculty Fellow, Religion, College of Arts & Sciences

404A Maxwell Hall |

Areas of Expertise

American politics, comparative politics, religion

Candy Brooks

Candy Brooks

Academic Advisor, Political Science Department

100 Eggers Hall | 315.443.2238 |

Areas of Expertise

International macroeconomics and finance, international political economy

Kathleen G. Brunner

Kathleen G. Brunner

Assistant Director of Stewardship and Engagement, Office of Development

315.443.5881 |

Tom Brutsaert

Tom D. Brutsaert

Professor by Courtesy Appointment, Anthropology Department

Senior Research Associate, South Asia Center

Senior Research Associate, Program on Latin America and the Caribbean

Professor, Exercise Science, Falk College

Areas of Expertise

Human biology, high-altitude adaptation, physical activity, growth and development

Areas of Expertise

Federal tax policy, budget policy, tax expenditures, the individual alternative minimum tax, the changing role of taxation in social policy

Colleen Burton

Colleen Burton

Assistant Professor by Courtesy Appointment, Political Science Department

Senior Director of Finance and Research Initiatives, Syracuse University Office of Research

Jessica Butler 374px

Jessica Butler

Executive Program Assistant, Executive Education Department

215 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3706 |

Kristy Buzard
(Pronouns: She, Her)

Kristy Buzard

Associate Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration

Melvin A. Eggers Economics Faculty Scholar

131 Eggers Hall | 315.443.4079 |

Areas of Expertise

International trade, political economy, contract theory, urban/regional, conflict, economics of discrimination

Keith J. Bybee

Keith J. Bybee

Professor, Political Science Department

Director, Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics and the Media

Vice Dean (College of Law)

Paul E. and Hon. Joanne F. Alper ’72 Judiciary Studies Professor (College of Law)

408C Dineen Hall | 315.443.2529 |

Areas of Expertise

Public law, the judicial process, the politics of race, legal theory, political philosophy

Lynnell Cabezas

Lynnell Cabezas

Administrative Assistant, Autonomous Systems Policy Institute

309B Maxwell Hall |

Horace G. Campbell

Horace G. Campbell

Professor, Political Science Department

Professor, African American Studies

200 Sims Hall |

Bennett Caplan

Bennett Caplan

Adjunct Professor, Maxwell in Washington, D.C.

President, Global Management Trade Services

Head of Secretariat, FIVS

202.486.1390 |

Areas of Expertise

International trade, international alcohol beverage regulations and policy

Frederick Carriere

Frederick Carriere

Moynihan Research Associate, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs

Pacific Century Institute Senior Fellow, Korean Peninsula Affairs Center

347.675.8807 |

Areas of Expertise

Foreign relations – Korea (North & South), Geopolitics – Northeast Asia, Track II Diplomacy, culture & history of the Korean Peninsula

James J. Carroll

James J. Carroll

Research Associate Professor

Areas of Expertise

Public school teaching of American history, public policy skills, and constitutional law, using Internet applications

Linda Carty

Linda Carty

Associate Professor by Courtesy Appointment, Sociology Department

Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration

Associate Professor, African American Studies, College of Arts & Sciences

Areas of Expertise

Race, class and gender studies; comparative sociology; international development; post-colonial discourse; Third World feminism

Christopher Casey

Christopher Casey

Adjunct Professor, Maxwell in Washington, D.C.

Analyst of International Trade and Finance Section, Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade Division of the Congressional Research Service

925.586.5220 |

Areas of Expertise

History of international relations, international law, international economic policy, refugee law, and human rights 

Areas of Expertise

Applied anthropology, rural development policy and planning, environmental conflict management, climate change, forestry, food security, refugees, East Africa

Michael Cavallaro

Michael Cavallaro

Computing/AV Support, Information & Computing Technology Office

034E Eggers Hall | 315.443.3847 |

Molly Cavanaugh

Office Coordinator, Economics Department

110 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3843 |

Craige B. Champion

Craige B. Champion

Professor, History Department

310B Maxwell Hall | 315.443.2781 |

Areas of Expertise

Hellenistic Greece, Greek democracy and republican Rome, ancient imperialism, ethnic identity formation in classical antiquity, the politics of culture in ancient Greece and Rome, classical historiography

Xueyi Chen

Xueyi Chen

Director of Partnerships, Executive Education Department

219 Maxwell Hall | 315.443.3759 |

Omar Cheta

Omar Cheta

Assistant Professor, History Department

Senior Research Associate, Middle Eastern Studies Program

511 Eggers Hall | 315.443.8750 |

Areas of Expertise

Modern Middle East, Late Ottoman Empire, Egypt, capitalism, legal history

Matthew R. Cleary

Matthew R. Cleary

Associate Professor, Political Science Department

Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration

Advisory Board Member and Senior Research Associate, Program on Latin America and the Caribbean

539 Eggers Hall | 315.443.4288 |

Areas of Expertise

Latin American politics, political institutions, democratization, ethnic politics

Christina Cleason

Christina Cleason

Academic Coordinator, History Department

145 Eggers Hall | 315.443.2210 |

Samantha Clemence

Samantha Clemence

Assistant Director, Maxwell in Washington, D.C.

CSIS | 202.800.6595 |

Areas of Expertise

Climate science, climate impacts, extreme weather, agriculture, energy, infrastructure

Andrew Wender Cohen

Andrew Wender Cohen

Professor, History Department

Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

305 Maxwell Hall | 315.443.3320 |

Areas of Expertise

United States history, law, crime, political economy

Jenn Cole

Jennifer Cole

Assistant Director, Office of Development

315.443.1053 |

Kelley Coleman

Kelley Coleman

Administrative Assistant and Assistant to the Director, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

306K Eggers Hall | 315.443.9707 |

Casey Collins

Casey Collins

Digital/Social Media Specialist, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3114 |

Jennifer Congel

Jennifer Congel

Content Specialist, Communications and Media Relations Office

223 Maxwell Hall | 315.443.4286 |

Bill Coplin 560px

Bill Coplin

Professor, Policy Studies

Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence

225 Eggers Hall | 315.443.2348 |

Areas of Expertise

Higher education, high school education, citizenship and urban education, public policy analysis, pedagogical partners with undergraduates

Janet M. Coria

Janet M. Coria

Administrative Specialist, Sociology Department

302 Maxwell Hall | 315.443.2347 |

Matt Coulter

Matt Coulter

Internet Technologist, Information & Computing Technology Office

034E Eggers Hall | 315.569.5119 |

Vicente Cuevas Headshot

Vicente Cuevas

Undergraduate Student Engagement Manager, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

426 Eggers Hall |

Areas of Expertise

Local government, child and family policy

James Cunningham

James Cunningham

Adjunct Professor, Maxwell in Washington, D.C.

Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council

Former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, Israel and the United Nations

518.944.7649 |

Areas of Expertise

National security, international relations, counter terrorism 

Sallie Cuyler

Sallie Cuyler

Accounting Clerk, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs

346 Eggers Hall | 315.443.2032 |