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Maxwell Class Notes

alumni standing together

Rebecca Riehm ’83 M.A. (Soc)

retired from Jefferson Community College (JCC) in Watertown, N.Y., after 30 years of teaching. In retire-ment, Riehm will serve on JCC�s Affirmative Action Committee, diversity working group and on faculty search committees.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Elise Roberts ’16 (PSc)

is a policy research analyst at Booz Allen Hamilton and a Ph.D. candidate in political science at the Maxwell School. She previously served as a research and practice associate at the Syracuse University Institute for Security Policy and Law (formerly the Institute of National Security and Counterterrorism).

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Melaine Rottkamp ’91 B.A. (PSc)

is a certified destination manage-ment executive and president and CEO of Dutchess Tourism, Inc. in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. She was previ-ously vice president for Dutchess Tourism and was promoted to her current position in July 2020.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Joyjit Roy ’95 M.P.A.

is executive vice president of global programs at Winrock International. He previ-ously served as vice president at ACDI/VOCA, providing operational support across the organization to improve project workfl ows.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Timothy Rudd ’04 B.A. (PSc)/ ’07 M.P.A.

was appointed by Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh as director to lead the city�s Offi ce of Management and Budget. There, Rudd will serve a vital role in planning for the city budget and its six-year capital improvement plan.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Claire Rupert ’14 B.A. (IR)

is a disclosure policy analyst for the United States Navy International Programs Office for the Disclosure Policy and Technology Transfer Division. She previously served as senior consultant for Booz Allen Hamilton in Arlington, Va.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Michael Scherger ’07 M.P.A.

is director of the national training center for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. He previously served as division chief for the U.S. Depart-ment of State in Washington, D.C.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Andrew Schwab ’03 B.A. (Hist/PSt)

is director of policy, federal affairs and partnerships at United States of Care, a nonprofi t working to better American�s access to healthcare services.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Jonathan Schwabish ’02 M.A. (Econ)/ ’03 Ph.D. (Econ)

authored Better Data Visualizations: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks (Columbia University Press), a modern guide for data visualiza-tion. He is also the founder of Poli-cyViz, a consulting fi rm that helps improve workfl ow.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

David Schwegman ’20 Ph.D. (PA)

joined American University�s Depart-ment of Public Administration and Policy as an assistant professor in Washington, D.C., in 2020. Schweg-man�s research interests hinge on state and local social policy and public finance management.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Colin Seale ’07 M.P.A.

is author of Thinking Like a Lawyer: A Frame-work to Teaching Critical Thinking to All Students (Prufrock Press), which challenges students to think critically about law.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Marilyn D Shaw ’68 M.P.A.

retired from practicing energy law at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer and Feld LLP in Washington, D.C. She currently serves as co-president of the Garden Club of Madison in Madison, N.J.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Jay Silveria ’97 M.S.Sc.

is executive director at the Bush School of Govern-ment and Public Service at Texas A&M University. He previously served as lieutenant general for the U. S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Jason Sisney ’97 M.P.A.

is budget-director for the California State Assembly Speaker�s Offi ce.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Alok Srivastava ’08 M.P.A.

is principal secretary to the state government of Punjab, India. He previously served as permanent representative of India for the Inter-national Civil Aviation Organization in Montreal, Canada.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Roma Stibravy ’54 B.A. (IR/PSt)

is president of NGO Sustainability, a nonprofit organization that consults with the United Nations. Stibravy previously served as expert consul-tant for the United Nations.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Harvey Strum ’70 B.A. (IR)/ ’76 M.P.A./ ’78 Ph.D. (Hist)

earned the Russell Sage College�s Susan Warren Beatty Faculty Award for Excellence in Research for 2019-20 and the Sherman David Spector Professor in Humanities in 2020-21.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Emily Sundman ’06 B.A. (Hist)

joined Texas Tech School of Veterinary Medicine in Amarillo as an assistant professor of veterinary medicine. Sundman, a doctor of veterinary medicine graduate from Cornell, previously served as associate director of clinical development for KindredBio in Weatherford, Texas.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Jamie Takashai ’17 B.A. (Econ)

is a 1st lieutenant for the New York-Army National Guard and is execu-tive officer for the 719th Composite Truck Co. Takashai recently joined the Paramus (N.J.) Police Depart-

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective

Oleg Tofilat ’14 E.M.P.A.

is an advisor to the Republic of Moldova�s prime minister. Tofilat�s focus as advisor is centered on transportation and infrastructure.

June 23, 2021
Published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Maxwell Perspective
Maxwell Perspective
200 Eggers Hall