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McCormick quoted in UPI article on opium legalization in Mexico

Gladys McCormick, associate professor of history and the Jay and Debe Moskowitz Endowed Chair in Mexico-U.S. Relations, was interviewed for the UPI article "Opium legalization favored by Mexico's defense chief." "This is one of the first legalization overtures for a crop that is potentially heroin or opium more generally," says McCormick. "It is broadening legalization in ways which aren't common in the western hemisphere." 
October 12, 2018

Thompson quoted in Associated Press article on Papal summit on clergy sex abuse

"Where are the laity and others who might provide both new and uncomplicit voices and insights into the process?" asks Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science.

September 13, 2018

Fragile States

Sound scholarship helps us understand what sometimes seems unknowable: North Africa and the Middle East.

September 12, 2018

Maxwell announces new faculty members, program chair

The academic year begins at the Maxwell School with the arrival of several new faculty members. In addition, Renée de Nevers, associate professor of public administration and international affairs (PAIA), is the new chair of the Social Science Doctoral Program.
September 10, 2018

Thompson discusses Chris Collins investigation with WHEC Rochester

"New York has some of the most restrictive laws that govern our elections of any state in the country" says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science. She adds that New York is "one of the few states that doesn't have early voting and one of the few states that has very restrictive rules on changing on one's party registration," concluding that the state's electoral laws are "outdated."

August 15, 2018

Travel Plans

Thanks to the generosity of one “citizen of the world,” dozens of budding scholars have chased far-flung intellectual goals.

August 8, 2018

Maxwell announces promotions, tenure for eight faculty

The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University is pleased to announce the promotion of the following distinguished individuals to professor in their field. 
June 18, 2018

Andrew Cohen discusses tariffs and trade on WAER

Andrew Wender Cohen, Dr. Walter Montgomery and Marian Gruber Professor of History, was a guest on WAER for the segment "Canadian Diplomat and SU Prof: Tariffs Will Cause Damage to Consumers, Workers, and Industry." "American manufacturers can raise the price of their steel to match the new price created by the tariff on foreign products," says Cohen. "So it increases their profits, and the hope is that they distribute that to their workers. At least, that's the logic according to the Trump administration. Economists tell you that won't necessarily happen." 
June 6, 2018

See related: Trade

Andrew Cohen discusses tariffs, Great Depression in PolitiFact

Andrew Wender Cohen, Dr. Walter Montgomery and Marian Gruber Professor of History, was quoted in the PolitiFact article "Is protectionism a big part of the Great Depression, as Ben Sasse said?" "Economists today debate the tariffs’ effect on the Great Depression -- some feel it substantially worsened the downturn, while others think its negative effect was small," says Cohen. 06/01/1
June 1, 2018

See related: Trade, United States

Kutcher receives graduate faculty recognition award

Norman Kutcher received the 2018 Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award. He was among eight total recipients honored for their positive influence on graduate education at Syracuse University.
May 23, 2018

Maxwell celebrates graduates, faculty at Commencement Weekend 2018

Commencement weekend for graduates of the Maxwell School at Syracuse University began on Friday, May 11 in Hendricks Chapel with Maxwell’s 2018 Graduate Convocation honoring Master’s and doctoral degree candidates across the school’s scholarly and professional programs.
May 18, 2018

See related: Student Experience

Ebner weighs in on claim that likens Trump to Mussolini in PolitiFact

"The term the regime used for land reclamation was ‘bonifica,’" says Michael Ebner, associate professor of history. "In English, it might be translated as ‘reclamation,’ as in land reclamation, but was also used more generally by the regime for reclaiming the race or the state."

May 11, 2018

Khalil receives Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence

Osamah Khalil received the Chancellor's Citation for Faculty Excellence and Scholarly Distinction at the One University Awards.
May 2, 2018

Thompson discusses the study of nuns as an outsider in Sisters Report

"I believe I've spent enough time within sisters' domain to understand it, to speak its language, and to interpret and present it all to others. In this, I may have an advantage that insiders do not in presenting that world to a wider audience that really ought to know about it," writes Margaret S. Thompson, associate professor of history and political science.

May 1, 2018

2018 Moynihan junior faculty award to be presented to Gonda

This year's Daniel Patrick Moynihan Award for Teaching and Research, recognizing outstanding non-tenured faculty members at the Maxwell School, will be given to Jeffrey Gonda, assistant professor of history.
April 30, 2018

See related: Awards & Honors

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History Department
145 Eggers Hall